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“Shawn?” I asked, walking over to him. Shawn was Kyle’s husband and co owner of the store. Shawn was the music and Kyle was the book. He wrapped me in a warm hug and we cried for each other.

“Shawn, I’m so sorry. This is all my fault.” I said, tears falling onto his shirt.

“Nope, not even close to being your fault sweet girl. That person took my husband, I never want to hear you blame yourself ever again.” He said, pulling back to look at me. He looked broken.

“What’re you doing? Can I help?” I asked, sniffling my tears back.

“Oh, just trying to make sense of the mess. No sweetie, gotta do this myself for the insurance. Plus I’m not so sure being back here this soon is good for you. Why are you here anyway?” he asked, a small smile peaking out at me.

“ My purse and stuff got left here the other day and I need my keys and stuff.” I said, suddenly feeling like it wasn’t important anymore. This man lost the love of his life and almost his business in the matter of a few days, and here I was worried about my car.

“Oh right. It’s a bit of a mess back there, let me go grab it for you. Locker 34?” he asked, heading back.

“Yup, and my black jacket. Thank you.” I said, remembering the jacket I’d left as well.

I felt hands on my shoulders, looking back to see my dad. He seemed to be having almost as hard of a time as I was. He was holding back tears, staring off to the side. I followed his eyes and saw what he was staring at. The breakroom. I looked over to Joyce, motioning to her to get Dad out of here, and she pulled him out the front. Shawn came back out carrying my things and another envelope.

“I took the liberty of printing out your paycheck while I was back there. So I heard the Munson boy saved you, is that right?” he asked, handing me my things. He was smiling at me.

“Yea he did. He had come to pick up his order and left, but I guess I forgot something because he came back for it and, well you know.” I said, blushing and smiling at the mention of Eddie.

“Oh dear, let’s see if we can’t find the rest of his order and you can bring it to him as a thank you.” Shawn said, jumping behind the counter and searching through the finished orders.

“Well, I’m actually staying with him. Have been since it happened.” I said and he looked at me with raised eyebrows, but smiling.

“I’ve heard about him, but I never could believe all the bad things they said about him. He fixed my car two weeks ago and he was just the sweetest. Dreamy too. Not anything like my Kyle, but still.” Shawn said with a laugh as he dropped the box on the counter.

“He really is the sweetest, Shawn. It’s a long story, our history but I think I might be falling for him. He’s been incredible these last few days, taking care of me, making sure I’m ok. I’ve never had that before.” I said, reflecting on the last few days.

“Sweet girl, it looks like you’re in fact falling in love. And if he’s treating you this well, you deserve it. Speaking of which, hold on one second.” he said, turning to dig through the desk behind him before producing a brown envelope.

“This is for you. It was a joint decision between us, and you more than deserve it.” Shawn said, handing it over to me. I opened it, not sure what I was looking at.

“It was originally meant for you to be part owner with us, but with what happened I decided to buy you out. I’m selling the place once the insurance pays out anyway. That’s your cut.” Shawn said, sadness filling his voice. I got another look and my eyes almost popped out of my head.

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