Chapter 8 - The Giant's Step

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"We knew the world would not be the same. A few people laughed, a few people cried... Most people were silent."


Parpaldian Empire, Esthirant, Imperial Palace

The most beautiful structure in the heart of the Parpaldian Empire, this palace could par with the second and first civilizations with its elegance, some of the folks from other countries saw the imperial palace as the national and economic might of the 3rd most powerful country in the world. Although, the Parpaldian Empire is powered by both magic and science making them at the top of the chain in the Philades continent.

The perimeter of the imperial palace was packed to the teeth, with several watch towers and high-rising walls that exceed 6 feet high, making it impossible for any intruders to infiltrate the palace, the imperial guards were armed with bolt action rifles and light machine guns in key areas. Casually, the guards were patrolling the area near the walls and the towers were exchanging shifts of personnel.

Inside the palace was decorated with expensive paintings either local or imported from other countries, maids doing their chores keeping the internal structure with such elegance and eye prying for any visitors.

Meanwhile, inside the emperor's living room, three people currently occupied the room, in the table, two individuals were playing a game that resembles chess by Pangean standards, a man in his late 30s wearing the traditional Parpaldian emperor's clothes, beside him is a beautiful woman with silver hair was currently playing with the emperor with a soft smile plastered in her face. And lastly, a messenger was standing with a document at hand, this messenger in particular came from the 3rd Department, currently reading the document.

"The Pangeans wished an alliance with the Parpaldia in order to punish Fenn for their barbarous actions... That's all of the conclusion, your grace." Said the messenger.

Emperor Ludius chuckled at the message as he move a piece at the board.

"Since when a country outside of the civilization zone wished to make an alliance with the 3rd world superpower, this is absurd." Said the woman with silver hair as she placed a piece on the board.

"They are desperate to expand their territory, my Remille." Emperor Ludius replied to the woman named Remille...

Empress Remille to be exact.

"I do wonder how and why they will pull off such a move to the superpower country?" Ludius asked himself.

"To prove that they are worth for our empire. But, they are just typical barbarians seeking help from the superpower to gain fame from us." Remille said.

As she said that, something click inside of Ludius head as he smiled.

"They could be useful if they prove, that they claimed to be the second superpower in their own world. We could use them for our leverage as expanding our influence and lastly, invade their so-called 'Massive Continent' for our great conquest to conquer the Second Civilization." Ludius said smiling mischievously.

"That's why, I married you, my Ludius. We will rule the world with our superior technology and restore peace, exterminating the war-mongering nations in this world." Remille said.

"If the Pangeans have the technology of wonders, yet inferior. We can stumble over their forces and capture some of their technology then reverse engineer it, making us unstoppable to the forces of this world." She continues.

"Say, how is the progress in the Kingdom of Fenn?" Ludius asked while turning his gaze at the messenger.

The messenger straightens his posture before replying.

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