Chapter 17 - Persecution of the Masses

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"That is why we strive to reach heights of unimaginable power, for one cannot simply be called strong to win; one must become so overwhelmingly indomitable, you become something that's not human or sapient, even though that's exactly what we are." - First Emperor of the Greater Empire of Pangea


Louria, New Imperial Pangean State

Since the following recent events on the continent of Rodenius. Dozens of modern equipment began to pour into the former Kingdom.

Most foreign diplomats from countries outside of the civilized zones heard about the sudden defeat of a powerful kingdom. Although most of them were afraid to make contact with the Pangean Empire, they trusted their sources because the Pangeans were friendly towards the developing countries. Which they immediately initiated a diplomatic friendship and a military alliance with the Pangean Empire, which were successful.

The foreign 'barbaric' countries viewed the Kingdom of Louria as a savage country but were relieved that it was now under the influence of their new rulers, which is a clear statement of the technological and military prowess of the Greater Empire of Pangea.

A couple of weeks later. Most of the low-class citizens of Louria became middle-class thanks to the assistance of their new rulers, and the high-class folks were reduced to low-class due to the recent evidence that justified the greed and arrogance of these people of the higher class. Nonetheless, they finally taste the consequences of their actions.

With recent progress in the Kingdom, the citizens viewed the Pangeans as their saviour from their downfall while others viewed the Pangean as mere warmongers who desired the treasures and richness of their beloved Kingdom.

The Pangeans, on the other hand, saw this as an opportunity to expand their influence to other countries that are aligned with them by trading non-critical technologies such as Television networks, phone networks, railways, cheap clothes and meals, including the hygiene kits that they viewed as very luxurious, to their surprise it was very cheap compared to the ones being produced from the 1st and 2nd Civilization. While some countries sought the opportunity to get their hands on some modern weaponry, which the Pangeans politely declined. Instead, the Pangeans offered them cheap yet reliable weapons from their 2nd Intercontinental War.

The countries outside of the civilized zones gladly accepted the offer, which boosted their relationship with the Continental Superpower.

"Charnock" Pangean Air Base, Louria

The base was filled with activities such as the recent shipment of a classified weapon known as the "Trinity."

The crew of the hanger began to mount a single cruise missile at the weapons bay of a B-160 White Swan. The cruise missile in question was wearing a checkerbard pattern all over the frame, indicating the missile was in the testing phase.

After securing the "Trinity" at the weapons bay. The pilots, the technical officer, and the gunnery officer began to board the aircraft via the entrance underneath the B-160.

As they settled themselves in the cockpit. The B-160's jet engines screech to life as it slowly emerges from itself from the Hangar.

"This is Sierra-1. Moving for the taxi." The pilot said to the tower, which is a Sapient Capybara.

<<Copy that Sierra-1. Proceed to runway 227.>> The tower acknowledged,


After that, the Sapient began manoeuvring his aircraft toward the designated runway.

After a few minutes, they finally reached the runway and initiated a preflight checklist before they took off. Making sure every flight instrument was working accordingly.

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⏰ Last updated: 4 days ago ⏰

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