Chapter 10 - Pangean Invasion of Fenn Part 2

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The Fenn warriors could see the invaders and their metal beasts at far distance.

The warriors stood firm on their formations as Chieftain Ezaru's horse walked at the front with spear at hand.

"So, this must be them." Chieftain Ezaru thought, before eyeing the enemy's position.

Indeed, the invasion force were too small compared to his formation, and the Pangeans also have small numbers of those land dragons with long snouts, directly pointed at the Fenn's formation.


Both Chieftains were completed organizing their own formation of experienced warriors.

Several few minutes of waiting for the enemy to appear, most of the warriors, including the two chieftains. Noticed something at the distance of the forest, silhouettes appeared while making a distorted noise of something was crushed under their feet.

Chieftain Orami, raises his right hand before balling onto fist.

The archers aimed their bows and arrows, high in the air, waiting for the command of attack.


In unison, the archers released their arrows into parabolic tragectory.

The arrows slams at the oddly figures.

Hearing metallic sounds of ricochets, the figures continue to march unscathed.

"Prepare another volley-" Chieftain Orami was cut off by a flying bullet through his head followed by a small popping sound at the distance, splitting his head into two.

The blood splattered from behind, they're eyes widened in shock and fear, while watching their Chieftain's body went limp and collapsed towards the ground with a loud thud.

Others scream as the bullets from Pangean invading forces landed marks to their targets.

Some cowered in fear of being hit by those object unleashed upon them.

The remaining Chieftain, Rosuke. Also couldn't organise his own men as their numbers slowly depleting.

He then thought the term of 'surrender', but that would dishonor his name for generations.

Thinking the current situation they've been now. Rosuke and his soldiers couldn't stand a chance if they launched an melee attack in open.

Fight for honor or die in shame.

Looking to his surrounding. Rosuke think about the possibilities if they surrender themselves to the Pangeans, or they will turn them into slaves and sell them to Parpaldia.

Then, an answer came to his mind.


Meanwhile on the other side. The Pangean troops and their mechanical iron giants kept firing their weapons towards the Fenn's defensive positions.

Until, a white flag was raised.

The Captain of the Marines and the Officer in the AMP suits. Raised both of their hands.

"Hold your fire!"

As the gunshots died down, the Fenn warriors slowly come out from their positions with both hands raised up high.


Chieftain Rosuke yelled while helping a limping warrior beside him.

The modern soldiers and mechs still aimed their weapons at the surrendering foes, thinking this could be a trick to let their guard down.

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