Cutie +1

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One Friday morning at the home of Jeons.

"Morning mommy, daddy!" a cute tiny voice woke the couple.

The pair capped their eyes as the heat of the sunlight hits their enormous fluff bed. Jeon Chaeyoung felt a small soft palm on her cheeks as it was caressing them gently. "My mommy wake up please, Kiyoungie is hungry." Still sleepy, she looked at her 4-year-old adorable daughter with a smile on her complexion.

Jeon Jungkook faced her wife and daughter with joy seeing through. The sight of his own family makes his heart burst, it makes him merry. He thanked God for the precious gift that He had given to him.

"I can eye you guys all day. This is so heartwarming to watch." Jungkook claimed. He looks at his wife. "I can't wait to make another one." with a cheeky smile.

Chaeyoung glared at her husband. Muttering not-too-bad words at him since their daughter was in front of them. "Later, I'll get back to you." She thought about her mind. Still glaring at her husband, she stands up off the mattress, carrying Kiyoung. She averted her eyes to Jungkook and focused on her daughter who was resting her head in the crook of her neck.

With messy hair and a wrinkled night dress, she walked towards the kitchen still carrying Kiyoung in her arms. When she arrived she put her daughter in her customized baby chair. She opens the fridge and finds food for breakfast. Tapping her index finger on her chin, she thinks about the menu today.

"Mama, I want chicken, mama," Kiyoung said.

Jeon Chaeyoung thought for a second, she thinks that chicken might be too heavy for a meal for breakfast. But since it was her daughter's bid, she approved. She faced Kiyoung and pinched her flushed cheeks. The cooking begins.

Minutes passed, and Jungkook follows down the kitchen. The Jeon family ate breakfast together and it was filled with laughter and mess since Kiyoung doesn't want to finish her last portion of food.

"Love, see you later."

Jungkook pulls Chaeyoung into a soothing hug while showering her kisses on the face. Kiyoung keeps her legs wide apart and seems to hesitate between each step, jerking from side to side as she moves one foot forward, then the next. From the living room, she goes towards her appa.

Kiyoung succeeds to reach her father. She slips through the space between her parents. She hugs Jungkook's legs. She looks up and says.

"Appa, love you."

Chaeyoung couldn't stop her emotions from showing. She just witnessed a precious moment in front of her. She watched her husband bend his knees and leveled his height according to Kiyoung's. His husband's bunny teeth depict that her daughter also inherited this trait of his.

"I love you too baby, I'll see you later okay? Listen to mama and I'll buy you yogurt and bread."

Kiyoung's face brightened more. She nodded expectantly.

After minutes of lovingly bidding Jungkook goodbye, the handsome man leaves.



Jeon Jungkook looked at his office entrance only to see smiley Chaeyoung who was carrying Kiyoung.
He smiles in unbelief, not frankly believing that they are here.

"We miss you so much, that's why we came here to see you." his wife sweetly said.

"Mama you're lying, you're the only one who misses appa, not me. I'm a big girl now, you said I should be independent because another baby-"
Chaeyoung quickly covers Kiyoung's mouth before saying anything that should not be revealed.

"You're pregnant?"

Jungkook's insides tense, not in a bad way. But because he felt deja vu. He remembers the last time he found out that he was going to be a father. It was on his 27th birthday when he had the best present he ever received. Seeing through the little gift box was a pregnancy test with two red lines indicating it is positive. He couldn't help the tears falling from his eyes. He stares at his wife full of gratitude and exhilaration. He hugs Jeon Chaeyoung and showers her kisses on the face. To spike his affection, he kissed his wife passionately. Muttering thank you, love you when the kiss ends.

Now, back to the present...

"I am supposed to tell you on my birthday, but this little mushroom here spilled the tea," Chaeyoung said while softly pinching Kiyoung's cheeks.

"So my guess is true?" he clarified.

Chaeyoung smugly nodded while walking towards the sofa.

"Yups," she replied popping the p, saying it is like a usual topic.

Jungkook follows his eyes on his wife walking from the entrance to the sofa, slightly stupefied. He is still processing every word and information he received.

"I mean w-when did you find out?"

Chaeyoung might look relaxed but she was agitated. She is assured that she will get a good reaction from her husband, but still, it's a baby we're talking about. The excitement is there but she couldn't remove this nervousness inside her. She wants to be the best mother that baby number two would ever have. She wants to be a better wife and mother than she ever did yesterday.

"It was two days ago when we had our monthly health check-up right?" Her husband agreed, "Well while you guys are at the canteen, Ms. Kim told me I was 5 weeks pregnant." Chaeyoung explained.

"Oh, so that's why you have been bugging me to buy you mangos at 3 AM."
Jungkook thought while tapping his chin using his index finger, connecting the dots about his wife's pregnancy signs.

"But this is a bit odd because you don't have your morning sickness anymore." He said while his wife nodded attentively.

"Yeah, that's why this pregnancy was uncovered quite later," Chaeyoung claimed.

The pair was quiet for a while when his husband broke the stillness.

"Thank you, love," Jungkook lovingly said while walking towards his wife on the sofa and Kiyoung in her arms who was fast asleep in her mother's lap. His arms encircled his wife and daughter.
Jungkook rests his head on the crook of Chaeyoung's neck. "For this," he slips his right hand through the space between his daughter and wife and caresses Chaeyoung's abdomen gently.

His wife giggled responding to his touch.

"It tickles!"

Kiyoung woke up by the movement and sound. She rubbed her face indicating that she was annoyed. The couple watched their daughter with the we're-sorry-look on their complexion.

Chaeyoung slaps Jungkook's hand on her stomach and glares at him. His husband quickly removes his hands from her stomach. "Sorry, my fault," Jungkook said. She chuckled at his husband's response, he was very considerate. Always getting the drawback even though it's her mistake sometimes. Yes, just sometimes because his husband is still the one who makes shortcomings every time. And no, she is not in denial.

His husband pulls away from the hug and sat beside her. She headed off her attention to his husband and focus on Kiyoung. She hummed some random soothing tunes that let her daughter return to doze. She felt the weight beside her lose. Chaeyoung looked at his husband.

"I'm just gonna finish some paperwork and we'll go home early," Jungkook said as he gets near to his wife, he gives her a simple kiss and goes back to his table.

Minutes passed, and Jungkook finished his work. The three plus the cutie inside Chaeyoung's womb goes out of the office.

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