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Attorney Park Chaeyoung had always dreamed of having her own house. A place she could call her own, with rooms designed exactly to her liking, and everything in its place. Every night, she would go to bed and dream of a house that she could truly make her own. In her dreams, she would walk through rooms filled with natural light, comfortable furniture, and soft colors. She imagined a home where she could relax and unwind after long days in the courtroom, a place that was a true reflection of her personality and style.

When she finally got the chance to make it a reality, she couldn't be happier. She hired Jungkook, an experienced architect, to help her design and build her dream house.

Chaeyoung watched as her architect, Jungkook, carefully measured and marked the walls of her new house. She couldn't help but feel a flutter in her chest every time he looked her way with his warm brown eyes.

As they worked together on the construction of her dream home, Chaeyoung found herself enjoying their conversations more and more. She loved hearing about his life and his passion for architecture, and found herself hanging on his every word.

One day, as they were discussing the design of the kitchen, Jungkook turned to her and asked, "Chaeyoung, what do you think about a skylight?"

Chaeyoung's heart skipped a beat as she looked into his eyes. She could feel her cheeks growing warm as she replied, "I think that would be amazing. It would let in so much natural light."

Jungkook smiled, and Chaeyoung felt her heart swell with happiness. She knew that her little crush on her architect was growing stronger every day, and she couldn't help but hope that he felt the same way.

From the moment Chaeyoung met Jungkook, she was drawn to him. He was smart, talented, and incredibly handsome. As they worked together on the project, Chaeyoung found herself falling deeper and deeper in love with him.

But she was too afraid to tell him. What if he didn't feel the same way? What if it ruined their professional relationship and made things awkward? Chaeyoung tried to push her feelings aside and focus on the project, but it was becoming more and more difficult.

As the construction of the house neared completion, Chaeyoung realized that her time with Jungkook was coming to an end. She would have to say goodbye to him soon, and she still hadn't found the courage to tell him how she felt.


On the day of the final inspection, Chaeyoung and Jungkook walked through the finished house together. Jungkook pointed out all the beautiful features and details that they had worked on together, and Chaeyoung couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness. She knew that once the contract was done, she might never see him again.

As they walked back to the front door, Jungkook turned to Chaeyoung and smiled. "Thank you for choosing me as your architect," he said. "It was an absolute pleasure working with you."

Chaeyoung smiled back, feeling her heart ache. "Thank you, Jungkook," she replied. "I couldn't have done this without you."

They stood there for a moment, neither of them saying anything, and Chaeyoung knew that this was her last chance. She had to tell him how she felt, even if it meant risking rejection.

But before she could say anything, Jungkook spoke again. "I have to go now, but if you ever need anything in the future, don't hesitate to call me," he said, handing her a business card. "Take care, Chaeyoung."

And with that, he turned and walked away.

Chaeyoung stood there, watching him go, feeling tears sting her eyes. She knew she had missed her chance, and she would always wonder what might have been if she had just told him how she felt.

But she also knew that sometimes, the greatest regrets in life are the risks we never take. And so, she decided that the next time she fell in love, she would be brave enough to speak up and tell that person how she felt.


Days turned into weeks, and Chaeyoung found herself unable to move on from her feelings for Jungkook. She would often find herself staring at her phone, wondering if he had messaged her, hoping that he would feel the same way she did.

But as the days turned into months, Chaeyoung knew that she needed to find a way to move on. She couldn't keep dwelling on what might have been, she needed to focus on the present and the future.

Slowly but surely, Chaeyoung began to put her feelings for Jungkook behind her. She threw herself into her work, taking on challenging cases and pushing herself to become the best lawyer she could be.

But even as she found success in her career, Chaeyoung couldn't help but wonder what might have been if she had just taken the chance to confess her feelings. She knew that she would always carry a small part of him with her, a reminder of the sweet moments they had shared together while building her dream home.

In the end, Chaeyoung knew that she had to accept her past and focus on the future. She would always cherish the memories of her time with Jungkook, but she knew that it was time to move on and find new opportunities for love and happiness.


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