Worth Fighting For

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Park Rosé and Park Chaeyoung were identical twins, but their lives took very different paths. Rosé was a simple bakery owner in Busan, while Chaeyoung was the heiress of Park Real Estate and the wife of Jeon Jungkook, CEO of JEON Aircrafts.

It was a warm and sunny day in Busan, South Korea. Rosé was busy at her bakery, decorating a beautiful cake when her phone rang.

"Hello?" Rosé answered.

"Rosé, it's me, Chaeyoung. I need your help," Chaeyoung said in a hushed tone.

"What's wrong, sis?" Rosé asked, concerned.

"I need you to switch places with me for a month. I can't stand being married to Jungkook anymore. I don't love him, and he doesn't love me. It was an arranged marriage, and I made a mistake," Chaeyoung explained.

"What do you mean switch places with you?" Rosé asked, confused.

"You'll come to Seoul and pretend to be me. Jungkook won't even notice the difference. You're my secret twin, remember?" Chaeyoung said.

Rosé was hesitant, but she couldn't say no to her sister. "Okay, I'll do it. But why can't you just divorce him?" Rosé asked.

"It's complicated. Our family's business is at stake, and we can't afford to have any scandal," Chaeyoung explained.
They hatched a plan to swap places for a month, with Rosé posing as Chaeyoung and Chaeyoung disappearing from the public eye.

After a week of planning, Rosé arrived in Seoul and pretended to be Chaeyoung. At first, it was challenging, but she got the hang of it. She had to act conservative, dress appropriately, and be a perfect wife.


It was Rosé's first night as Jeon Jungkook's wife, and she was struggling to play her part. As she lay in the bed next to him, she couldn't help but think of her twin sister Chaeyoung, who was probably out there, feeling lost and alone. But she couldn't let her sister down now. She had to keep up the act, no matter how difficult it may be.

As Jungkook turned to her, Rosé quickly closed her eyes, pretending to be asleep. She felt his hand on her arm, gently rubbing it, and her heart skipped a beat. She knew she shouldn't be feeling this way, but she couldn't help herself. Jungkook was undeniably attractive, and she found herself drawn to him, even though she knew it was wrong.

The next morning, Rosé woke up early to prepare breakfast for Jungkook. She had to admit, she enjoyed cooking, and it was something she was good at. She wanted to impress Jungkook, to make him think that she was a good wife, just like Chaeyoung was supposed to be.

As Jungkook entered the kitchen, he was surprised to see his wife cooking. He had never seen Chaeyoung do anything like that before. He watched as she moved around the kitchen, her long hair tied back in a ponytail, her slender figure moving with grace and ease.

"Good morning," Rosé said, smiling at him.

"Morning," Jungkook replied, still taken aback by her sudden change in behavior. "What's all this?"

"I thought I'd make you breakfast," Rosé said, her voice slightly trembling. She was nervous, and she knew it showed.

Jungkook took a seat at the table, watching as Rosé brought over a plate of food. He couldn't help but notice how pretty she looked, with her clear, bright eyes and her full lips. He wondered how he had never noticed before.

As they ate, Jungkook and Rosé talked about their plans for the day. Jungkook had a meeting to attend, while Rosé was planning on visiting a nearby park. She didn't want to be cooped up in the house all day, pretending to be someone she wasn't.

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