Cutie + 1 (2.0)

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Rosé and Jungkook had been married for a few years now, and they were still as in love as ever. They had two kids, Kiyoung and Joonyoung, who were the light of their lives. They loved to tease each other and make jokes, but at the end of the day, they knew they were each other's soulmates.

One day, Rosé was sitting on the couch with Kiyoung, watching TV when Jungkook walked in with Joonyoung in his arms. "Hey, my beautiful wife, and my little princess," Jungkook said, grinning at them.

Rosé rolled her eyes. "You're such a dork," she said, laughing.

Jungkook chuckled. "I'm your dork, though."

Rosé smiled, feeling her heart flutter. "Yes, you are," she said, leaning in for a kiss.

Just then, Kiyoung interrupted them. "Ew, gross!" she said, giggling.

Rosé and Jungkook pulled away, laughing. "What's up, Kiyoung?" Jungkook asked, putting Joonyoung down on the floor.

Kiyoung looked at them with a mischievous glint in her eye. "Mommy, why do you always call daddy 'honey'? Are you a bee?" she asked, giggling.

Rosé and Jungkook looked at each other, trying not to burst out laughing. "No, sweetheart, I call him honey because he's sweet," Rosé said, winking at Jungkook.

Jungkook smirked. "And because she can't resist me," he said, winking back at her.

Kiyoung made a face. "Ew, gross again!" she said, covering her eyes.

Rosé and Jungkook burst out laughing, knowing that they had embarrassed their daughter. They loved teasing each other, but they also loved their family more than anything in the world.

As they sat there, watching TV and teasing each other, Rosé and Jungkook knew that they were the luckiest couple in the world. They had found each other and built a beautiful life together, with their kids by their side. They may tease each other, but they knew that they were each other's best friend and soulmate, and nothing could ever change that.


It was another day for the Jeon Family. Baby Joonyoung was asleep while the rest were all sitting in the living room, playing a game together when Rosé started to tease Jungkook.

"Hey, Kookie, remember when you used to be cool?" she said, grinning mischievously.

Jungkook rolled his eyes, knowing exactly where this was going. "I'm still cool, thank you very much."

Rosé laughed. "Oh, really? Then why do you always wear those dad jeans?"

Kiyoung giggled at her parents' banter, not quite sure what was going on but finding it amusing nonetheless.

Jungkook glared at Rosé playfully. "I'll have you know that these are very trendy jeans."

Rosé leaned over and whispered in Kiyoung's ear. "Don't listen to your dad, he's just an old man now."

Jungkook pretended to be offended, but he couldn't help but laugh. "Oh, I see how it is. You're just jealous because I can still rock a leather jacket."

Rosé shook her head. "Please, you're more of a cardigan guy now."

Kiyoung looked up at her parents, wondering why they were teasing each other. "Mommy, daddy, why are you making fun of each other?"

Rosé and Jungkook looked at each other and then back at their daughter. "We're not making fun of each other, sweetie. We're just having some friendly teasing," Rosé explained, smiling at Kiyoung.

Jungkook nodded. "Yeah, it's just something married couples do sometimes. It's all in good fun."

Kiyoung looked at them with a confused expression. "Why is it fun to make fun of each other?"

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