Dangerous Love

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Rosé had always been the CEO of Miracle Jewelry, a company that specialized in selling the rarest and most authentic diamonds and rubies. Her business had always been her top priority, but she couldn't deny that she had developed a secret crush on her personal bodyguard, Jeon Jungkook.

Jungkook was the head of security in her company, and he was known for his intelligence, strength, and professionalism. He was always focused on his job, and he never let anything distract him, not even Rosé.

But Rosé couldn't help but admire him from afar. She would often catch herself staring at him, mesmerized by his muscular body, his sharp features, and his piercing gaze. She fantasized about him, but she knew that her feelings were one-sided.


One day, while Rosé was on her way to an event, her car was ambushed by a group of masked men. They carnapped her and took her to an unknown location. Her captors demanded a ransom from her family in exchange for her release.

Meanwhile, Jungkook had received word of Rosé's carnapping and was frantically searching for her. He knew that time was of the essence, and he needed to find her before it was too late.

Through his connections and quick thinking, Jungkook was able to track down Rosé's location. He arrived just in time to see the captors preparing to move her to a new location.

Without hesitation, Jungkook sprang into action. He took down the captors one by one, using his skills and training to ensure Rosé's safety. Despite being outnumbered, he managed to defeat them all and free Rosé.

Once they were safe, Rosé was overwhelmed with gratitude. She thanked Jungkook profusely for his bravery and quick thinking, knowing that without him, she might not have made it out alive.

As they drove back to her office, Rosé couldn't help but feel grateful to have Jungkook as her personal bodyguard. She knew that he was there to protect her at all times, and that he would do anything to ensure her safety.

She knew that the world could be a dangerous place, but with someone like Jungkook by her side, she felt like she could take on anything.

Rosé couldn't help but feel a surge of emotion. She realized how much she had come to rely on Jungkook, not just for his security services, but for his kindness and compassion as well. She knew that she was falling in love with him.

But she didn't know how to tell him. Jungkook was always so professional and emotionless, and she didn't want to ruin their working relationship. So she kept her feelings to herself, hoping that someday, he would notice her.

Months went by, and nothing changed. Jungkook remained as focused and dedicated as ever, and Rosé continued to admire him from afar.


Jungkook was a highly trained and skilled professional bodyguard, assigned to protect the CEO of Miracle Jewelry, Rosé. He had been working for her for several years now, and had grown to admire and respect her greatly. But as time went on, Jungkook realized that his feelings for Rosé had grown deeper than just admiration and respect. He had fallen in love with her.

However, he knew that it was not appropriate for a bodyguard to have romantic feelings for their client. He was there to protect her, not to pursue a relationship with her. So he kept his feelings to himself, content to silently watch over her from the sidelines.


As they were walking together, Jungkook suddenly took her hand in his. He looked at her with a soft gaze and said, "Rosé, I know that I may seem emotionless and numb, but that's just how I am on the job. But outside of work, I have feelings too. And I have to admit, I've been noticing you too."

Rosé's heart skipped a beat. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. "You have?" she asked, surprised.

Jungkook nodded. "Yes. And I have to say, I've been admiring you too. Your strength, your intelligence, your beauty. You're amazing, Rosé."

Rosé smiled, feeling a sense of relief and happiness wash over her. She had finally found someone who understood her, someone who appreciated her for who she was. And she knew that she was falling in love with him, more and more each day.

As they continued to walk through the park, Rosé found herself feeling more comfortable with Jungkook by her side. They talked about their interests, their dreams, and their goals in life. Jungkook listened attentively to everything she had to say, and Rosé found herself opening up to him in ways she never had before.

After a while, they found themselves at a small pond, with ducks swimming around in the water. Jungkook gestured to a nearby bench and said, "Why don't we sit down for a bit?"

Rosé nodded and they both sat down on the bench, watching the ducks swim around. It was a peaceful moment, with only the sound of the water and the occasional quack of a duck breaking the silence.

Jungkook turned to Rosé and said, "Rosé, I know that we come from very different worlds. You're the CEO of a successful jewelry company, and I'm just a bodyguard. But I don't want that to be a barrier between us. I want to be with you, if you'll have me."

Rosé looked at him, feeling a sense of warmth spread through her body. She knew that he was right, that they did come from very different worlds. But she also knew that she didn't care. She had fallen in love with him, and that was all that mattered.

She leaned in closer to him and said, "Jungkook, I don't care about our different worlds. I care about you, and how you make me feel. I love you, too."

Jungkook's face lit up with joy, and he took her hand in his once again. They sat there for a few more minutes, enjoying the peacefulness of the park and each other's company.

As they stood up to leave, Jungkook took Rosé in his arms and held her close. They shared a kiss, sealing their love for each other. And from that moment on, they knew that they would always be there for each other, no matter what obstacles they may face.

However, their moment was cut short as gunshots were heard from afar.

Jungkook immediately took charge, telling Rosé to stay behind as he went to investigate. Rosé protested, not wanting to be separated from him, but Jungkook insisted she stay close and hold his hand.

As they approached the source of the gunshots, they saw a group of armed men in black masks surrounding a car. Jungkook quickly pulled Rosé behind a nearby wall, instructing her to stay quiet while he dealt with the situation.

Rosé begged Jungkook to be careful, not wanting to lose him, but he assured her he would be fine and to trust him. Jungkook cautiously made his way towards the armed men, realizing they were after him.

One of the armed men addressed Jungkook, telling him they had orders to bring him alive and to surrender to avoid any further conflict. Jungkook refused to back down, stating he was not going down without a fight.

The situation escalated quickly, with one of the armed men firing his weapon and causing chaos to erupt. Jungkook and Rosé were forced to fight for their lives, dodging bullets and taking down their attackers.

When the dust finally settled, they were left battered and bruised, but alive. Jungkook checked on Rosé to make sure she was okay, and she expressed her gratitude for him saving her life.

Jungkook reassured Rosé that he would always protect her, no matter what, and they left the scene, grateful to have each other and still alive.

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