Chapter 7.1

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The sky that day looked cloudy and seemed ready to spill raindrops in the midst of humid air like this. In contrast to the cloudy atmosphere before the rain fell, the tiger lily and daylily blooms continued to cheerfully decorate Hwaniwon Hill. White abelia also adorned the stone walls around the hill.

Lisa opened her eyes wide as if she was looking at the most beautiful scenery in the world, while Jungkook just watched his surroundings with a deadpan face. This soon- to-come summer air was really humid, hot, and made him short of breath.

"You're not going to the office?"

"It's okay if it's just for a while."

After dropping Lisa off at the campus, Jungkook said that he would continue his journey immediately after taking a short walk. He then parked his car in the parking lot and walked with Lisa down the path in Hwaniwon to the wild grassland hill.

"The meadow in summer is the most beautiful."

"You really like this place," Jungkook chuckled casually while looking at Lisa who looked happy.

"Because I feel closer to my dreams when I come to this place."

"What are your dreams?"

"My dreams?"

The woman who looked hesitant for a moment then looked around her with a nervous face.

As if she didn't want her secret to be discovered by others.

She then approached Jungkook. Jungkook was really hot at that time. He felt his body temperature increase by about 10° as Lisa's body got closer to him. Even so, he still didn't move away from her. It's normal to feel hot like this in the summer.

"That dream of mine..."

"What was it? You want to break into a bank? You have such a secretive attitude."


Lisa stood on tiptoe and whispered something in Jungkook's ear. He could feel her breath in his ear. Jungkook thought he heard her wrong because of the sound of his heart beating hard.

"What? What do you want to be?"

"You heard right! Isn't it cool?"


Jungkook just exclaimed in disbelief to Lisa whose eyes were shining with happiness. Jeon Jungkook is usually not someone who easily shows his surprise. In fact, he usually never showed any expression on his face. However, this woman's dream was completely out of her mind.

"Why are you reacting like that? Does that mean you're jealous or are you making fun of my dream?"

"It means I really can't figure it out. Gardening? Do you want to become a Nolbu?"

[T/N: Nolbu is a character from a Korean fairytale, 'Heungbu and Nolbu'. Nolbu is a selfish person who kept the entire family inheritance.]

Jungkook checked what he had heard from Lisa. The woman had said that she wanted to work in a garden and live like a Nolbu. That was her dream. Although Jungkook had heard old people say they wanted to work in a garden when they retired, this was the first time he had seen a 26-year-old nutritionist dreaming of becoming a Nolbu.

"Yes. So what?"

"It's okay, it's just that this is the first time I've met a woman whose dream is to plant rice and pull grass like you."

"You'll see. Anyway, I'd rather work in the garden than in the fields. Growing beans and chili peppers. Oh yes, I'll also plant wild flowers. So you can see them every season."

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