Chapter 10.1

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Lisa is currently chasing a deadline for her job at the fruit farm. Initially, she chose this job because she felt hot working to remove the wild plants that clung to the roses in the greenhouse. However, the shade of the trees in the summer and the fragrance of the apple trees did not improve Lisa's mood.

She has been working there since morning until the undergraduate students have all gone home. However, Lisa is still serious about opening the plastic wrapping the apple tree.

She wants to finish it today, even if she has to stay in this place until the evening. No, she hopes that her chaotic heart and mind will calm down before she finishes this job.

"You're still dating hyung, right?"

"Yes? Ah, yes."

Inwardly, Lisa answered 'I don't know' and 'from the outside' without Jae Hyun knowing. There were some undergraduate students walking home through one of the gates in the garden.

"You two, are really dating seriously right?"

"What's the point of your question?"

Lisa stopped her work for a moment and as soon as she looked down, Jae Hyun was already at the bottom of the stairs looking up at her.

"I don't know about you, but it's hard to believe that hyung is really serious about you."

"Why do you think that?"

"He's not one to let go of what's his so easily. Whether it's company business, or women. Shin Hee noona is like that too."

Jae Hyun explained what Lisa already knew. Both were indeed strong-willed and stubborn people. However, there was nothing Lisa could do about their agreement. She had received many things from that man, she owed that man a debt, and she had promised to follow his plan.

The promise to keep her mouth shut. Lisa smiled a little at Jae Hyun who looked at her worriedly.

"I know."

"Then you also know that Shin Hee's family has formally proposed marriage?"

While working on the stairs, the professors always gave her one important piece of advice: Stay focused and concentrate.

However, all at once Lisa seemed to lose her concentration. Then, she immediately felt the consequences of her loss of concentration.

Instantly, her vision went dark and she stumbled down the stairs. At first s0he thought she would just fall to the ground, but luckily Jae Hyun caught her. There's just this problem, Lisa thought.

"Are you okay?"

"Ah, yes......"

There was no mistaking it, her empty head and pounding heart must be due to her current little incident.

Actually, every day she had incidents like this. Whether it was being hit by hot water, splashed by hot oil, scratched by a knife, or falling down the stairs like this. Those things did happen to her occasionally. Right now, it was definitely one of those ordinary incidents. However, Lisa was very surprised and was silent for a while. She didn't even notice the weight of Jae Hyun's body and his big hand wearing a work glove was still holding the back of her head. Jae Hyun finally raised his other arm and breathed a sigh of relief. Jae Hyun's face when he met Lisa's was pale.

"Now let's get up first. Looks like we still have something to......"

"What the hell are you guys doing?"

Before Jae Hyun could finish his sentence, before Lisa could break free from Jae Hyun's grip, Jungkook's angry voice could be heard from behind them. In Jungkook's eyes that stared at the two people, there seemed to be a fire burning with emotion.

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