Chapter 11.1

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His childhood memories of being locked up in the basement are really scary. His mother, who didn't want her husband's illegitimate child to be seen by others, finally decided to lock Jungkook up in the basement. Then, after the party was over, they all forgot about Jungkook.

Had Jae Hyun not remembered him, he could have died in the basement that had no light at all. Although it was hard for him to admit this, perhaps the reason he could still be patient with Jae Hyun was because of that incident.

After that incident, Jungkook could not stand being in a cramped and pitch-black room at all. His memories of that time seemed to attack and kill him slowly. However, now the incident really felt like his bad memories of the past.

"It's just an old story."

"Right, it's just an old story."

Jungkook mumbled casually to Lisa, as if nothing had happened, while Lisa replied while holding Jungkook's hand.

Jungkook could feel his face reddening and his body temperature seemed to increase by several degrees in the dark room, but Lisa still didn't let go of his hand.

"You came all the way to this place, so you should see this too. Especially since the weather is so nice today for stargazing. We'll look at them together in the observatory room with my younger siblings."

Lisa took Jungkook, who didn't like closed and dark places, to the roof of the observatory, where they could see the stars with their naked eyes. Lisa invited Jungkook, who didn't seem too interested in the stars, to sit in a comfortable chair provided for visitors.

As Jungkook approached and sat next to her, Lisa could feel the man's body temperature on her body even though the chair wasn't too narrow. Unlike Lisa who suddenly felt awkward, Jungkook looked calm and leaned his body casually on the back of the chair.

Lalisa Manobal, stupid. Even though this man didn't do anything and just sat next to you.

In fact, she usually sits next to strangers, she has also eaten and lived with this man.

Why do I suddenly feel nervous around this man?

"Among the stars, it is said that there is one starlight that takes 360 years to reach the earth. It's far away, isn't it?"

Jungkook who was sitting carefully next to Lisa said nothing and just shrugged his shoulders at Lisa's explanation. He was even more amazed that he could see the starlight that took 360 years to reach the earth with this woman.

It was unbelievable that he and this woman were sitting next to each other and looking up at the stars.

Time passed quietly that night. The wind blew gently and the starlight continued to twinkle beautifully. Jungkook who was sitting back on the chair without thinking about anything while enjoying the stars, the wind, and the fresh night air was suddenly startled by Lisa's shouting voice.

"What's wrong?"

"There was a shooting star, but I didn't have time to make a wish. Didn't you see?"


Jungkook replied to the regretful-looking Lisa casually.

Wishing to a shooting star? So, that woman still believes in that kind of myth?

Lisa, who was now looking at the sky regretfully, seemed to really believe in that kind of myth.

"Did you make a wish?"

"No. It's a secret. If you say it, your wish will not come true."

Lisa muttered quietly while shaking her head in response to Jungkook's question. However, seeing Lisa's very serious face, Jungkook really felt as if his wish had come true.

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