Chapter 11.4

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Before Jungkook had time to accept the horrifying reality that drove him almost crazy, the atmosphere of his house was already completely chaotic.

His grandparents are now more concerned about Lisa who could be the 'illegitimate child' of their dead son, but Mrs. Oh looks different.

She is not at all ready to accept the evidence of her husband's infidelity. Just knowing about Jungkook's existence, her pride has been completely destroyed.

"This is all your doing, right? You did this on purpose, right?"

As soon as the couple left the room, Mrs. Oh immediately screamed and started blaming Jungkook. The anger and emotion that she had been holding back was unleashed on Jungkook just like that.

"How dare you do this to me. You want to make me suffer in this way?"

"There are many other ways to make you suffer."

Jungkook gathered the last of his strength and refrained from letting harsh words out of his mouth. Controlling his emotions and anger was already difficult enough for him. However, Mrs. Oh, who did not care about Jungkook's condition at that time, walked over to him as if she was going to eat him.

"You think this is the worst thing that could happen to me, right? How dare you say that after seeing that photo."


Suddenly, Jae Hyun, who had arrived home and heard the whole story, appeared and was about to break up the two people. However, Mrs. Oh, who was already emotional, ignored her son's words.

"That's why you said you were going to marry that woman in the first place. Because it was obvious that there was no way you could marry her. How can anyone marry their own sister."

"She's not my sister!"

Jungkook gritted his teeth and shouted in annoyance. They don't know who was more surprised to hear Jungkook shout. Himself who shouted or Mrs. Oh who faced Jungkook who could not think rationally.

"You, by any chance...... So, you're really......"

"We have to do a genetic test first to confirm this."

Jungkook cut off Mrs. Oh's words. He didn't want to hear the confirmation of his feelings through her. After all, before there were truly reliable results, he did not want to judge things hastily.

Before that, he didn't want to admit anything about this matter. Lisa is his younger sister. It was impossible to tell Jungkook to believe such nonsense. No, he wouldn't just admit that.

"Then, what is your plan? I never intended to accept that child except as a daughter-in-law."

"No matter what, I won't hurt Lisa's feelings. I hope you will too. Leave Lisa alone......"

"Let me take care of Lisa."

Jae Hyun said, cutting Jungkook off.


"Why are you taking care of Lisa? Even though it's impossible, she could be a member of our family. Let me handle it."

Before Mrs. Oh could respond to Jae Hyun's sudden suggestion, Jungkook immediately said to Jae Hyun much more firmly than a few minutes earlier.

"Go ahead, as her brother. Because I want to be by her side as her husband."

"Jae Hyun!"

Jungkook's face grew tense at Jae Hyun's calm reply. Meanwhile, Mrs. Oh reprimanded her son sharply.

"Didn't you want her as a daughter-in-law? That's why you did this, right?"

"Don't talk nonsense, you."

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