Chapter 8.1

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At four in the morning the next day, Jungkook automatically woke up from his sleep. All this time, he had never used an alarm to make him wake up in the morning. He was a very sensitive person, if he had intended to wake up at a certain time, then he woke up exactly at that time.

Jungkook fixed the blanket of the sleeping boy next to him and when he came out of the room, he saw that the kitchen lights were already on brightly. Just as he had expected, there was Lisa standing with her back facing towards him and was busy making something. Hearing the sound of someone's footsteps, Lisa immediately looked back.

"You don't have to get up at dawn like this either."

"You said you're going far away, there's no way I can sleep like that."

The plane to France would leave at 6:20. Since he had to be at the airport at least an hour earlier, Jason was already on his way to drop Jungkook off.

"Hm, Jungkook."

"What's wrong?"

"I want to apologize about yesterday."

"Yesterday? It was my fault."

Jungkook surprised at Lisa's hesitant apology. Jungkook wondered why he could behave like that yesterday. In fact, he is not the type of person who likes to read the situation simply and easily explode in anger like yesterday. Moreover, he was angry at the ring of a woman who wasn't even really his girlfriend.

"It's not that, but because yesterday I didn't prepare a special breakfast for you. I did it on purpose. Because I was actually upset at the time."

"I know."

Jungkook, who woke up from his reverie when he heard Lisa's confession, nodded his head. What he didn't know was why she was upset.

"Yesterday... I felt like a housemaid."


Lisa muttered while lowering her head and avoiding Jungkook's gaze. Although apologizing for a mistake is quite simple, telling your heart honestly is not an easy thing.

"You really look like a guest. Or the owner of this house."

"You said 'sugohesso' to me yesterday."

"What? I didn't understand what you meant."

Lisa glanced at Jungkook sharply as if the irritation had returned, while the man frowned in confusion.

"When Shin Hee came here, you said 'sugohesso' to me, right."

"Then, why is that a problem?"

"You shouldn't say that to a fellow family member. Then, you came all of a sudden without telling me first, asked to make coffee, and just left. It feels like I'm the maid making coffee for you and your guests."

Jungkook, who was slowly starting to understand Lisa's lengthy complaint, now looked at the woman with an incredulous face.

"Since when did 'sugohesso' have such a bad meaning?"

"Anyway, it sounds like that to my ears."

Jungkook continued to stare at Lisa's gloomy face for a while. This woman must not know how hard he was trying to find a suitable word to say at that moment.

"Then, should I say 'you're bothering me', is that it?"

"What? I'm bothering you? Because you're with Shin Hee?"

"You're really insensitive."

Jungkook shook his head in despair.

That afternoon, he still vividly remembered how Lisa colored his nails with yellow flowers that he had never tried in his life. Therefore, when he and Shin Hee arrived at Lisa's house, from then on, he constantly paid attention to Lisa. Although he knew that their sudden visit would make Lisa panic a bit, if it was the only way to persuade Shin Hee and make her truly believe, then he was willing to do it.

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