Chapter 8 - Difficult Apologies

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When Jungkook returned home after dropping off Shin Hee, the small lamp in the living room was still on as if it was waiting for him. However, Lisa was nowhere to be seen in the living room or kitchen. It's only 11pm. Lisa usually always waits for him to come home even if it's one or two in the morning. However, Jungkook feels neglected and uncared for because Lisa didn't wait for him today.

In fact, he hasn't lived in that house for long. During that short period of time, this unconsciously seemed to have become a new habit for him. Just like his new habit of eating breakfast.

The next morning, Hee Won and her younger siblings watched them sharply as if realizing something was wrong. Something was different about their Lisa Unnie and the Ajusshi living in the house.

Realizing that the conflict that arose between the two 'rulers' of the house could affect themselves, Hee Won quietly told Sung Won and Soo Hee to quickly finish their breakfast without much talking and move as quickly as possible. Soo Hee sat quietly at her table, Hee Won put down her spoon slowly, and Sung Won didn't even touch his toys during the meal.

"I don't want to eat, please just make coffee."


Lisa left the cooked rice alone and immediately agreed to Jungkook's request.

Normally she would have said 'coffee is not breakfast' and reminded the man that as adults, they should set an example. Maybe even go as far as quoting some of their family rules. However, today she looked different. The nagging that was usually often heard is now gone. Jungkook looked at Lisa who was acting like that sharply.

"No, no, I want to eat. Please give me my rice."


Lisa who replied again with the same words then pointed her chin at Hee Won, telling her to get rice for Jungkook.

Usually, Lisa would get up right away and prepare the rice for Jungkook. But today, she avoided making eye contact with the man and just looked down at her bowl while busy finishing her rice.

The atmosphere in the kitchen that day was very quiet, there was no chatter except for the sound of their spoons and bowls.

The siblings who noticed the morning atmosphere hurriedly finished their breakfast and left the kitchen. In fact, Sung Won and Soo Hee, who were always getting nagged by Lisa for eating too long, had finished their breakfast in no time. As soon as the siblings left the kitchen, Lisa immediately stood up from her seat.

"Sit down for a while."


"I should be the one asking you. What's wrong with you?"


Lisa, who replied as if it was nothing, avoided Jungkook's eyes, even though Lisa usually never behaved like that.

Actually, what's wrong with this woman?

"Are you acting like this because Shin Hee came yesterday?"


Lisa hurriedly denied and shook her head. However, it seemed like that was the cause. Even so, it seemed like Lisa would look even more pathetic if she told Jungkook the truth.

"Then, did I do something wrong to you?"


"Then it's not my fault. Never mind," Jungkook said briefly and stood up from his seat.

After confirming that Lisa's strange behavior wasn't his fault, he quickly left the kitchen without hesitation, without asking any other questions or guesses. Lisa again choked up at the sight of his back figure.

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