Chapter 14 - Epilogue

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It's been over a year since they got married, but Lisa has been so busy that she couldn't make time for their second honeymoon trip. Isn't this too much? Jeon Jungkook who runs the Goryo Group could take his time, but the first year student of the Horticultural Science faculty couldn't even take her time, even during summer vacation.

Lisa realized that she was too busy. Lisa accepted her husband's first suggestion to realize her dream of gardening by taking the university entrance exam test and started studying hard about farming. Although her grades were not perfect enough to get into Kyung Hwan University, after struggling hard, she was finally accepted into the faculty of Horticultural Science and it turned out that her busy life was not only studying. Various trivial problems in his family also became her business.

Starting with Jae Hyun's departure for school to America. Somehow he seduced a sexy blonde woman, but Mrs. Oh almost fainted at the news. She then continuously called Lisa who could probably contact Jae Hyun. Therefore, Lisa was currently in a difficult position between Jae Hyun who insisted on not letting his mother intervene anymore and Mrs. Oh who was lying weak and desperate.

Then, Shin Hee who didn't care about Jungkook kept Lisa as her sister and every time she met a new man, she would always consult Lisa. Jungkook couldn't help but  give  words  of  encouragement  to  the  middle  school  teacher  who  was  dating  Shin Hee.  Then,  Jungkook's  grandparents  were  also  incessantly  asking  for  their  great- grandchildren.

Plus, Jason and Hee Won were suddenly very close and Lisa couldn't help but notice them. Jungkook actually wanted to forbid it for the sake of his friend's own comfort, but it seemed like a good solution to immediately hand over his sister-in-law to a responsible man. However, Lisa disagreed because their ages were too far apart. If they fell in love with each other, what could be done? However, no one knew how the story of the two players would continue.

After all, there were many things that kept Jungkook's wife busy. If she hadn't been weeding in other people's fields in the afternoon like this, maybe she would still have time to rest. Jungkook couldn't stand seeing Lisa getting thinner and thinner. However, Lisa continued to work diligently even though Jungkook had scolded her many times.

Jungkook finally glanced at his watch and closed the laptop he was working on and went to pick up Lisa.

As soon as he came out of the living room, a thick-furred cat immediately curled up and played at his feet. Meanwhile, Chi-chi spread her wings and looked at Jungkook with a sad face.


"I'm so sorry, but I only love my wife."

"No, no."

Fortunately, the ever-present Duldul in the front yard seemed to be napping peacefully. When Jungkook was determined to take Lisa home before the dog barked noisily, he noticed someone outside his house.

Lisa came with a man. What is this...... If only Lisa's face didn't look so pale and there wasn't another girl coming with her, Jungkook might have already thrown a punch.

"What's wrong?"

Jungkook immediately saved Lisa from the young-looking man and asked with surprise at his pale-looking wife.

"It's okay, it's just the heat. Heatstroke."

"That's why, why are you out so hot like this...... Let's go inside and lie down."

As soon as Lisa smiled to indicate that she was fine, the man who was on the verge of a temper tantrum carried his wife inside. The student looked at the figure behind them with envy, while the student's face was full of disbelief.

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