Chapter 7.3

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It was summer, in a house that was not air-conditioned and crowded with people, coupled with her body heat, made Lisa's face feel red. She also knew why the usually cold and indifferent Jungkook was being friendly and warm to her.

Yoo Shin Hee. Because of that woman, this man had kissed her on a whim. Therefore, Lisa is not surprised that Jungkook dares to do skinship if only to this extent. Lisa knew exactly the purpose but she still couldn't control her heartbeat.

"It's okay. Please sit down. Goliath, go away."

Lisa removed herself from Jungkook's embrace and chased away Goliath who was sitting on the sofa. The cat who didn't like having his seat taken away meowed in annoyance. Then, he uncharacteristically played with Jungkook.

Romeo, who usually doesn't care about Jungkook, today walked with firm steps and jumped on Jungkook's lap, as if to show off the beauty of his body. Chi-chi, who usually turned her face to Jungkook, now sat on his shoulder and watched Shin Hee.

"No, no."

"Shut up."

"No way, no way."

Hearing Jungkook's command, Chi-chi flew back to her perch which was soon followed by Goliath and Romeo who moved to lay down next to the window. However, their green eyes were still watching the living room.

Fortunately, Dodo the turtle was in the aquarium. All the creatures in this house seemed to immediately unite into a family when someone else entered the house.

"Please sit down. Shall I make some tea?"

Unlike Lisa who looked nervous, Shin Hee who looked around the house casually nodded slowly.

Lisa had never been embarrassed by her house that was full of memories of her parents. However, seeing Shin Hee observing every corner of her house, Lisa unconsciously felt embarrassed and insecure.

"It looks like you really like flowers. There are flower pots everywhere."

"Because my parents used to love flowers too."

"I like people who like flowers. Jungkook told you about my job yet?"

"Not yet."

Since Lisa couldn't say that let alone tell, the man didn't even bring up the woman again, Lisa just shook her head nervously. As if not happy to hear Lisa's answer, Shin Hee threw a glare at Jungkook. Jungkook immediately reprimanded her before she could say anything else.

"Don't you think it's rude to come in and look around someone else's house like this?"

"I know. But if I don't check it out in person, I think I'll go crazy. Even though I've already parted ways with you, you think I can't be patient and wait if it's limited to this? I've even run away from my own wedding."

Shin Hee replied to Jungkook's sharp question with an even sharper answer. Despite being in her own home, Lisa also felt tense and uncomfortable in the midst of the cold war between the two people.

What should I do now? If it's according to her promise to Jungkook, then she should side with him. However, for the sake of that woman, then she should side with Shin Hee. Right now, who should I side with?

"Hey, Jungkook ssi. Never mind. Want some coffee?"

"No, I don't. I don't need that. She'll be out of here soon. Let's get up, Shin Hee."

"No way. I want to drink coffee here. Can you make me a coffee latte?"

Shin Hee, who didn't care about Jungkook's invitation, didn't refuse Lisa's offer and immediately asked for coffee according to her taste, as if Lisa's house was a coffee shop. Meanwhile, Lisa had no choice but to nod her head. She then turns to Jungkook and asks if he wants to drink coffee.

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