Chapter 13.2

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After the small commotion was over, Jungkook told Shin Hee to sit down and sat in front of her. Although she looked firm and brave, Jungkook knew that she was actually nervous.

The waiter at the restaurant quickly cleared the table and left after taking the order of the both of them.

"It turned out you came too. I thought you wouldn't come."

"You called me, right."

Shin Hee slightly raised her eyebrows in dissatisfaction at Jungkook's flat reply, which did not contain any emotion or feeling whatsoever.

Basically, Jungkook was a cold person. But for some reason, his attitude felt colder today.

"Why did you have to deal with that man again? Did he threaten you earlier?"

"It seems like he's still upset that I left him at the wedding. Why? Are you jealous?"

"Yoo Shin Hee."

Shin Hee asked while smiling sweetly at him, while Jungkook immediately dashed her hopes by telling her firmly.

"Don't be so serious like that. I was just hoping that it would be like that."

"Why did you call me?"

Shin Hee was now getting annoyed at Jungkook's impatience and went straight to the heart of their conversation.

The man didn't ask how Shin Hee was doing at all. He didn't even make small talk about how busy he had been. Jungkook's body language clearly said that only his body was in this place, while his heart was elsewhere.

Realizing that, Shin Hee now wanted to make sure that she was the one who lost the bet. No, she had actually expected this outcome since she brought up the idea of this bet to Lisa at the Hwaniwon.

Since when did she feel this way? When did she realize that this man's heart had moved on to someone else? Maybe on the day when he came to her with yellow color on his nails that day.

Shin Hee still remembered how surprised she was. Jungkook usually kept shaking his head if he didn't want to do something, despite Shin Hee's repeated persuasion. Therefore, she was very surprised to see him leave his nails colored just like that.

Obviously, he couldn't have wanted that. Then, who could have made him obey like that?

Shin Hee felt compelled to check on this when she suddenly forced Jungkook to take her to Lisa's house.

She wondered what kind of woman Lisa was. How did she win Jungkook's heart like that?

"Do I have to have a reason to call you? I just want to drink coffee. Can't I?"

"Next time, no. And, Shin Hee, I have something to say to you."

"Okay, me too. Let me do the talking first."

Shin Hee cut off Jungkook's firm words haughtily. She knew what Jungkook wanted to say. However, Jungkook would not have expected what Shin Hee would say now.

"Do you think I ran away from the wedding because of you?"


"Even though I love you, it doesn't mean I can't forget you. I didn't run away back then either. Because the wedding ceremony was over an hour ago."

Hearing Shin Hee's confession, Jungkook slowly put down his coffee cup. There was clearly something wrong with Shin Hee's tone of voice that brought up the incident again.

"Because that man first wanted to cancel the wedding."

Before Jungkook could say anything, Shin Hee immediately continued her words.

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