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'Food.' A green package was dumped on the table in front of where you sat, legs crossed and back to the wall.

The blue soldier stared down at you, eyes flickering to your bandaged tail before snapping back to yours.

He had a hand on his belt, stance wide and sucking the very air from the room, leaving you choked up.

As much as you hated to admit it, he dripped the essence of dominance and assertion, his status here very clearly above yours.

That knowledge made you shield in slightly, ears flat as you looked at each other.

However, no matter how much he made you want to naturally obey his commands, your pride wouldn't allow it.

He was no leader to you.

You lazily looked to the so called 'food' before turning your nose up at it, a scowl set deep on your face.

You heard him sigh, sick of  your desire to never listen.

Out the corner of your eye, you saw him shift forward and you immediately tried to shuffle back, the wall preventing you.

He kneeled in from of you, knees a few inches form yours and shoulders towering over you.

You still refused to look, aqua eyes set on the wall.

'What you goin' to eat then?' He questioned, hands gesturing in front of him.

You didn't utter a word, brain picking apart his words to understand what he was saying.

'You wanna starve? Kill yourself before you even make it back home?' He prodded, pushing for any sort of reaction from you other than your silence.

He felt his patience push at your lack of response.

'Fine - don't answer but I aint force feeding no one. I'll only offer food once, refuse and you don't eat.' He stood back up and turned away, tail narrowing missing your face..

Only as he approached the table, hand reaching for the ration, did you finally speak up.

'Hunt' You word lingered in the air but you knew he had heard you.

'I want to hunt.' You clarified, eyes trained on him as he looked over his shoulder at you.

'You think you behave well enough for me to allow you to hunt?' He turned slowly, disbelief clear on his features. You narrowed your eyes, fists clenching.

'I hunt or starve.'


'This has a tracking devise in it, you try anything and we'll be able to track you, understand?' He shouted, the wind blowing loud and hard as he tapped the collar around your neck.

You looked at him, eyes widening but no answer.

'Do you understand?' His Na'vi was slow and broken but you understood his question, shaking your head.

'Spider! Tell her what I said.' He waved, head turning away and facing the open side of the helicopter.

Never before had you ever been in one, the place small but littered with guns, ammo and seats. You observed your surroundings as Spider translated the Colonel's words.

Once you gave the green light that you understood, you felt the flying machine lower, the ground coming closer and closer.

You crawled closer to the opening where the colonel kneeled, watching in amazement at the sea below - the clear water never looking better.

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