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You continuously paced the floor, your tail whipping behind you in nerves and your entire body rigid.

Something was wrong..

You didn't know how long Miles had been gone for, your body clock having been completely screwed since stepping foot on this ship.

Your head spun and you felt as if you could be sick.

You hated him.

You hated that your mind was reeling at where he could be, if he was safe. You hated him for making you care.

Unable to take the feeling of uselessness any longer, you treaded over to the bolted door.

Lifting your first, you slammed it against the door.

The surface vibrated under you, your hands continuing on and on until eventually you slowed to a stop.

No one was coming. Not even him.

You stifled the feeling of abandonment down, looking over your shoulder and at the window.

The ocean did little to calm you down, like it usually did. The realisation only further pushing you further down in your pool of worry.

This was the first time he had left you for so long in the many days you had been here.

You breathed out a shaking breath and sighed deeply.

However, you almost jumped out your skin as the door flew open, a body immediately coming through and into your space.

You immediately stepped back and hissed as a unfamiliar scent invaded your nose.

You zeroed in the tall figure standing over you, their head tilted down at you.

You squinted as the light bounced off their blue sunglasses, reflecting straight at you, eyes taking in the familiarity.

You relaxed once again when you recognised him, his green eyes furrowed but not surprised at your reaction.

'Let's go,' he moved his shoulder, allowing you passage.

You didn't budge.

'Move it.' His voice was more demanding this time and your ears barely flicked at the change in his tone.

Watching silently, you saw him lift his hand before running it down his face in frustration.

'You want to go home or not?'

You visibly perked up, ears raised to a point as you took in his words. Home?

He question had threw you for a loop, this whole time you didn't have a choice - you could use the excuse of loneliness for your actions with Miles.

Although you knew better..

But now?

Now there was no reason for you to be here, you were being given an out and no excuse to not take it.

No one would be here to force you to stay, so why did you want to so badly?

'Five seconds or I'm walking.' You snapped your eyes back to the man in front of you, his hand now back at his side.

He looked as perplexed as you probably did, his lips downturned into a almost soft snare, one ear up.

Knowing you'd never have the words, you nodded grimly - ears flattening as you crossed your arms over your chest.

'That's what I thought.' You looked down as he spoke, your regret already building in your stomach - tail stiff behind you.

A snapping of plastic made you look back up, eyebrows furrowed as you watched him step closer to you.

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