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Every corner you seemed to peek around was pure untamed violence, more than you had ever seen in your life.

The ship below felt as if it was constantly rocking, only the tips of your toes on the floor as you crouched down and out of sight - Spider hot on your tail.

You only crept forward when the gunshots ahead would suddenly cease, guttural groans leaving the lips who? You weren't sure - there were too many for any sort of recognition.

'I can see them! Come on!'

You didn't even have a chance to protest before Spider overtook you, his legs carrying him much quicker than you had time to think.

'Spider!' You whisper shouted, snapping back and hastily attempting to catch up with the headstrong younger, tail whipping in anxiety behind you.

Using the long length of your legs to your advantage, you were able to catch up - hands reaching out and grasping his shoulders, pulling him back to where you knew you could offer him at least an ounce of protection.

'Stop it! Your going to get your-' You abruptly cut yourself off when a familiar voice loudly spoke out, your head and ears perking up and over the crate you where hidden behind.

You couldn't help the way your tail picked up in speed, your grip on Spider unknowingly tightening as Miles's voice seemed to echo around you, heartbeat picking up in your chest.

You didn't fight the sudden warmth that flooded your body as you trailed your eyes over his furrowed expression, lips set into a frightening scowl.

Blind-sighted by your own adoration, you almost failed to notice the young girl strapped beneath his large knife, her breathes choking out in splutters.

You felt yourself deflate slightly, eyes glued to the sight.

'What? What's happening' You opened your mouth to answer Spider but apparently you hadn't answered quick enough before the young boy was peeking over as well.

Almost instantly, he darted out of your arms and straight towards man that was causing copious amounts of mixed emotions inside you.

'Stop! Don't hurt her, just let her go!'

You stood up then, leaning both your hands on the crate in front and taking in the situation before you.

Immediately, you felt Miles's eyes snap to your sudden appearance - his ears twitching up slightly as he took you in, completely overlooking the shouting boy in front of him.

'Miles..' You choked, eyes bouncing between his unreadable expression and the anxious girl in his arm, shoulders dropping.

You didn't notice the creeping shadow behind you, slim body blending into the dim light of the wrecked ship until it was too late.

Everyone's head snapped in the same direction when a sudden war cry pierced the tense space - Spider's shouts ceasing immediately as he was grabbed from behind.

You recognised the azure skin of the wailing woman from earlier - a frighting dagger the size of your forearm gripped tightly in her fist and raised in the air.

As soon as Spider's fearful cry reached your ears, your face deepened into a glare, ears pinning back and a bellowing hiss erupting from your lips.

Jumping the crate and landing with a thud, you made a move towards the boy being held hostage.

Before you could reach them however, Spider was cast aside - body landing harshly as he rolled painfully on his shoulder.

'Spider!' You momentarily paused, the woman in front turning her attention to you.

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