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'We'll send a smaller squad, we'll cover more ground that way.' The Colonel pointed to each member of his crew, watching as they all nodded before walking off to gear up.

He then turned to Spider, who was sat looking out the widow gazing over the water.

Within a few steps, he was beside the boy - his own eyes now watching the waves below move rhythmically.

'We'll be leaving for the villages soon.' He stated cooly.

He watched in the reflection of the glass as Spider nodded but stayed silent.

He contemplated reaching out and seeing what was keeping him so quiet before remembering he had one more person to inform.

Someone who was snoozing away in the back room and practically dead to the world.

Turning away without another word, the Colonel walked briskly from the main room and down the hall.

You were in the very few rooms that were completely sealed off, small vents on the ceiling that let in breathable air. Loosening the mask around his neck, he pressed on the keypad and waited for the door to slide open.

He kept his footsteps quiet as he walked into the considerable colder room, carefull to not startle you.

He furrowed his eyebrows when his eyes landed on you, curled up and under the table.

He could barely see you from where he stood, the table shielding you from his tall view but he could see your legs and tail tucked under you, your waist up hidden.

Stepping closer and placing a hand on the table, he bend down to look at you better.

Your face was almost angelic, the skin smooth and stress free - you were peaceful. He had only seen you like this one other time - when you were on the helicopter, talking to the creatures in the cool water below.

He hated how beautiful you looked, how your sleeping figure made his something twist in his chest, body aching to protect you in your vulnerable state.

He assured himself that nothin' had changed. While you were new and fascinating, you were also temporary. Once you had done your job and Jake Sully was broken beneath his fist, you'd be gone.

You'd be back home and away from him.

He pushed down the scowl that began to tug on his lips, gently clapping his hand against the table above to wake you up.

He watched as your ears flattened at the noice before your eyes opened and peeled up at him, hooded and lazy as your looked over his features gently.

You didn't tense or hiss and the Colonel couldn't help but smirk.

Clearly his 'lesson' had worked.

'What' you doin' under here?' He glanced at the table before looking back at your still resting figure. You had made no move to get away from him, content where you were.

'Safe.' You nodded, your mouth opening into a yawn as you stretched your arms out in front of you.

'Fair enough.' He breathed, watching as you proceeded to stretch out each limb, tail moving behind you gentle - bandage still compressing it.

'How's the tail?' He prodded, moving to sit on his hunches next to you, hand still on the table for balance.

You looked back it at, flicking it gently before blessing him with your stare once more.

'Better.' You moved to sit up slightly, resting against the leg of the table and turning your body to him.

The Colonel's eyes then dropped to your arm, two sewed up gashes on it. After yesterdays..events - he had called in a doctor and demanded you be taken care of.

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