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Warnings >~< = Man-handling / I'm planning for the next chapter to be quite dark, just a heads up if i stick to that.

'Please do not fight. It won't work.' You tried to reason with the distraught people before you, their cries making your heart drop to your stomach.

You felt your body beginning to seize up, every cell in your body screaming that you that this was wrong.

You weren't meant to sit here and tell these people to roll over and surrender. You were't meant to stand amongst the people that held guns to the innocent.

You weren't meant to be with sky people.

Even if they were made to look like you, a wolf in sheep's clothing is all they were.

Swallowing the lump in your throat, you dropped to your knees and sat back in front of the couple before you, whose arms were desperately reaching out to each other.

The soldiers behind them didn't budge an inch.

'Please, do you know of a Jake Sully?' You begged. 'They will leave once you tell me.'

Again they shook their heads, tears rolling down the woman's face as children's screams echoed around. Your lip trembled as you saw her physically crumble, shoulders dropping.

'Please stop this! We don't know! They have my baby, please!' You watched as the woman cried, her body trying to shuffle closer to yours - making sure you had heard her.

'They do not know..' You looked to the ground on the left of you, where Miles stood, holding the device with a picture of Jake Sully.

'You sure?' You nodded, trying to blink back your tears.

You didn't look when his body moved out of your peripheral, too busy trying to push away the memories of when he did this to you - an awful reminder that he wasn't a good person.

'Let them go! We're leaving, light it up!'

You gasped and snapped your eyes up, ears stood tall as you processed what you had just heard.

Miles wasn't even paying attention as the soldiers roughly threw the people to the ground, one of them reaching into their back pocket for their gun.

The same gun that was used to destroy your home.

Just like before, your body moved before you could even think about what you were doing, your legs carrying you in a sprint towards the soldier with pure destruction in his hands.

You rammed your body into his back, his startled gasp reaching your eyes as he fell to the floor - gun falling from his grip.

Recovering quickly, you grabbed it from the sand and stood protectively in front of the hut that was about to be lit - hissing when the soldier looked up at you in surprise.

'The fuck are you doin'' You watched as Miles came closer, voice angry and ears flat.

He quickly looked to the soldier on the floor who stood up, brushing himself clean before staring back at you.

You didn't answer, you didn't even know yourself.

But you couldn't allow them to further traumatise people because they were no longer 'of use'.

Hissing in response, you gripped the gun tighter as he stepped closer - slow and predatory as his tail swung behind him.

'I won't let you Colonel.' You spat, snarling your fangs threateningly.

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