Arc 2 Extra 4: Happy Ending

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Heroic Spirit EMIYA or, as he liked to call himself, Archer was alone inside the Chaldea cafeteria kitchen preparing for the upcoming lunch for the staff and dozens of heroic spirits summoned by the two masters: Gudao and Gudako.

Gudao was a well mannered individual with a great heart and strong will. Gudako was...If he had to guess, a nothing but shape. She had a strange tendency towards gambling for heroic spirits and an attraction to specific fetishes. She was Chaldea's unofficial 'wildcard' and as of now, the most successful of the two masters in eliminating Singularities.

"Ha~." Archer released a deep sigh at the memory of Gudako slamming a corrupted servant into a wall and nicely poaching the poor creature of its items and quartz.

Chaldea had always been a unique organization--a crazy place brimming with historical figures who were somehow turned female and Gods wearing questionable clothing if their attire could be considered as such.

However, today was a tad more strange considering Bedivere's outbursts and cries for salvation from a demon with green eyes.

His answer came in the form of a colleague walking through the entrance with a satisfied smile.

"Welcome to Chaldea, Alter." Archer congratulated the fellow Counter Guardian.

"Nice place you got here." She greeted and took a seat on a table closest to him. "What's on the menu?"

Archer hummed and placed the plates he was cleaning down on the counter. When it was confirmed that Alter could not be summoned, Gaduo didn't take the news well. But now, after a few weeks following the event, that theory was proven wrong. A wave of relief washed over him when he saw her enter the cafeteria and soon to everyone else once they learned about her summon to Chaldea.

To be honest, he had met Alter before Chaldea had received the Singularity alerts on Alter's timeline. The attire of the fallen King Mordred was the same as Alter's so he had his suspicions. Even so, the CounterForce worked in mysterious ways and theories of Alter's continued existence was a question of ifs and whens. Seeing her here finally resolved his uncertainty.

"Was the demon Bedivere screaming about you?" He asked out of curiosity.

A hearty laugh escaped her lips at Archer's mention of Bedivere's suffering. She didn't give a straight answer, but the ever-growing smile was enough to pinpoint the culprit

"What have you done to him this time?" Another sigh escaped Archer's lips. He didn't know much of the knight, but her hatred for Bedivere was evident considering that the silver knight was the main culprit to her timeline's collapse and subsequent extermination (AN: Thanos Snap).

"He'll survive." Alter cheekily answered as Archer retreated into the kitchen to grab a bowl of today's lunch--miso ramen filled to the brim with pork and vegetables. He was unsure of her eating habits, but considering the various individuals of the Pendragon lineage, it's most certainly angling towards larger meal portions.

"That's not what I meant." Archer placed the deep bowl of noodles in front of her.

"Pfft. That bean sprout will be fine~. He got lucky and fainted half way through the entire thing." Alter waved off his concerns and grabbed a set of chopsticks before digging into her meal. "Besides, the simp will probably think it's a nightmare when he wakes up. If he remembers it at all."

"I highly doubt the psychological damage I imagined you have inflicted on him is considered on a level of 'fine' as you put it." He shot back, concerned for both Alter's behavior and the subsequent therapy Bedivere might require.

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