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"You take yourself so seriously, Darius..." In the back of the class, Olivia's new acquaintances sat whispering to one another when she glanced up from her notebook. Baffled, Darius arched his brow at the haired girl. "What are you saying?" 

The girl nervously grinned while rubbing her cheek. "I don't mean that negatively at all; you just, um, always appear to be so serious. Oh! The only time you looked embarrassed or something, was when you glanced at Via in the hallway!" A blush appeared on Darius' timid cheeks as he tightened his hold on his pen. As soon as he heard Olivia laugh at his suffering, it just seemed to become darker.

"S-shut up! You shouldn't concern yourself with it anyway." Leaning closer to Darius' seat, Conrad jumped in. "With? What's worse: your intense seriousness or your crush on Livia?" 

Upon seeing Darius' tomato-red face, their small company tried their best to giggle softly. "I — I don't! Just be quiet!" They chuckled silently to themselves, which made it even more difficult to hold it together since they sounded so silly. 

Conrad's back vibrated as he concealed his face in his folded arms, displaying his out of control laughter. "Oh my God, I'm pfft going to die!" As Olivia's laughter subsided, she wiped a tear from her eye. She shifted her attention to Darius, who was seated at his seat, pouting like a baby.

"Don't be that way, pretty boy. They're just trying to have fun with you. No need to be pouty." Darius rolled his eyes and resumed his somber demeanor. "I wasn't being pouty, just annoyed." After that whole incident, everyone remained silent and began to actually pay attention to their teacher.

When Olivia saw the flustered Darius, she secretly chuckled. She pondered about her little sister as she silently judged their teacher's excessively large handwriting and gazed forward. 'I hope Anya hasn't gotten into any mischief.' She had a troubled expression as she peered out the window. 'Still, I probably jinxed it knowing that child.'

A silent, imaginary tear slid down her cheek. 'I'm sorry in advance, whoever the victim is.'


Eden couldn't be compared to anything because Olivia hadn't attended any schools before, even so after her first lesson she already knew how she felt about it. "School is designed only to help you find your squad-fam. Taught me nothing new. Waste of time." 

As they relaxed on the grass, Conrad's worn eyes met hers. "No, school is for sleeping. That's facts." The next voice was upbeat. "Nope! school's for finding your bae!"

When she said the familiar word, Olivia paused. She believed that her strange, unique phrases and words made her seem unusual. Although she can't remember where she got them, she felt like it came naturally.

She felt a tiny bit of relief when she heard someone else utter a term that other people could find weird or just simply just 'wtf?' She felt an even greater sense of hope when she realized that the boys were the only ones who didn't seem to grasp what she had said.

Darius raised a brow in perplexity despite appearing disinterested. "Bae? That's a word I've never heard before." 

The violet-eyed girl appeared to tense a little before laughing nervously. However, she then stopped as Milliana cut in. "Hm? Its definition is 'Best At Everything.' You could also use it similarly, hmm? when relating to your boyfriend or girlfriend! You guys didn't know that?" She saw the boys shake their heads 'no' when she turned to face the group. She looked to face Olivia.

"How come you know, Via?" Olivia grinned while rubbing her cheek. "I've simply known all along. I used to say a lot of things that most people didn't comprehend or know. It doesn't really matter where I got them from; I have no idea." In front of Olivia, the two girls appeared to gleam.

"Really? For me, it was the same!" 

"No way! me too!" 

The three females crowded close together, laughing and giggling uncontrollably yet unfazed. Though Darius won't call them that, he and Conrad were giving their new friends an odd look as they acted crazy. 

Conrad pointed a finger in the direction of the girls as he glanced to an unimpressed Darius.

"...Which one is your 'bae' then?" In response to Conrad's choice to chuckle, Darius gave him a blank stare. Eventually, Darius' vacant gaze shifted to Olivia, who was still laughing. Although she was laughing with her two friends, it seemed like his eyes were only paying attention to her for some reason. 

Flowers and doves hovered all about her, and her body appeared to glow. He blinked his eyes to see her staring at him with a curious expression, before she grinned mischievously and winked. His cheek appeared to become scarlet with embarrassment as he scowled at her. He averted his gaze, "Honestly." only to encounter the girls and Conrad's arrogant face.

They all wiggled their brows at him with playful expressions in their eyes, as if they had a single brain cell. "Bae gave you a winky~" 

Done with the group's bull, he rose up and quickly walked away, the others chasing after him.

"Darius, wait for us!"

"Where are you going, buddy?

"Dary, come back!"


As she observed Darius' attempt to hide his sheepish smile, Olivia grinned. Because of his upbringing and the nature of his father, she understood he was a serious individual. She could tell from the way he interacted with her when they first met and from the way he acted at school, but she knew that he was a sweet, lonely boy who merely desired some love and attention. 

Her bright eyes followed the warm smiles on the faces of the three friends who were pestering him. 'These guys can help with that, I'm sure.' She jogged to catch up while nodding to herself. 'Plus, you have me!'

Sensing an opportunity that would lead to her demise, though hopefully not, she sprang upon the boy's back as she lunged for him.  His natural instinct was to grab her thighs and support her. "Yay~ Pretty Boy caught me." He struggled to urge Olivia to get off him, and the group chuckled at his discomfort. 

As they passed, unrelated students stared at the group. They were most shocked to see Darius Desmond grinning so brightly, unlike anything they had ever seen.



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