Ch. 37

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I wish I could say that the image of me on Joe's screen made me sick to the stomach, and I threw up, but that's not entirely the case. While yes, I was horrified to see the clip that was taken completely out of context, making it look like I was scared to have a giant for a dad, along with the clip of me swimming around a giant punch bowl, I'd unfortunately already been feeling sick well before seeing these images. I think I could hear Joe saying my name urgently while I threw up yet again. I wanted to respond and let him know everything was okay, but I couldn't gain control of my body. In fact, I could barely even feel my body. It was as if suddenly everything around me and within me was frozen, and numb. I wanted to keep my eyes open, but it was just too hard. Maybe if I close them for just a moment, I'll feel better...

A moment passed. Then another. In the back of my mind I knew I was being moved, and that I needed to wake up, and yet I still couldn't. More time passed before I finally felt strong enough to open my eyes, and when I did, I saw the most beautiful image of all. I saw the image of a woman I'd recognize anywhere, for she's the very woman I recognized within myself everytime I looked in the mirror. Standing before me with an iridescent glow was my mom!

"Mom! Oh my gosh! Mom!" I screeched as I tried to run to my mom. No matter how fast I ran, the distance between us never changed and I literally couldn't reach her. "Mom? What's going on?"

"It is not your time," Mom responded as her image seemed to flicker.

"Wait! Mom? I need you!"

"I love you Morgan. You will get through this, but you have to go back now,"

"Go where? Mom?... Mom?" I called my mom's name as her image disappeared.

When I opened my eyes, pain registered throughout my body. I had a migraine that made me dizzy just opening my eyes while my throat was burning, and felt like it was closing up. My stomach cramped and turned, as my limbs felt like needles were being pressed into every inch. What was happening to me.

"Mr. Mangello, Sir, your daughter is experiencing alcohol poisoning. It appears she consumed alcohol calibrated for giants, which can have devastating effects for humans. The good news is her system seems to be responding well to the fluids, so she should make a full recovery,"

"Thank you. My goodness, thank you so much!" Joe replied with his voice cracking at the end.

I could hear everything that was going on, but I didn't have the strength to keep my eyes open or speak. For now, I'd just listen.

"See honey, she'll be okay. Everything will be okay," Gram said in a warm tone.

"Now the news will add coverage of emergency vehicles arriving outside of my house. Mom, this is bad. This could-"

"You can't change what's already been done. You need to focus on Morgan's healing right now."

A door creaked open and slight vibrations came closer.

"Mr. Mangello? Umm, I, um just wanted to, um," Trent spoke until Joe cut him off.

"You... I trusted you with my daughter,"

"Sir, I am so sorry. I wasn't there when someone gave her the alcohol, and as soon as I found out I-"

"And why weren't you there?"

"Joe, I'm sure this young man didn't mean-"

"No Mom. This boy needs to understand, if he wants to date my daughter he has to recognize how the world is. Just having a drink around a human could result in a misjudgment of strength that could kill them! Not to mention you were drinking underage!"

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