Chapter 15. Beginning of Invasion

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'Brother, this is the time.'

Lucky Jiraiya has already prepared them for blocking genjutsu so they do not get affected by it.

"Esdeath, are you okay?" Satria asked about her condition.

She nodded. "I'm fine, What you say is true. Where Jiraiya?."

Then they heard the sound of an explosion in Hokage's seat.

'I see. That's the signal.'

Konoha Arena


Satria and Esdeath watch the smoke in Hokage's seat, and Anbu runs to it.

'I think this is the time.'

'Let's go, partner.'

Appear a belt from Satria's body, and he takes something from his pocket with the Black Dragon symbol, and when he puts it on his belt, he transforms instantly into rider form.



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"Henshin." Now black armour covers his body.

Everyone who is still conscious in the spectator seat is surprised when they watch this.

"Hee... Interesting." Esdeath is interested in Satria's transformation.

"What the? Who are you?." Kakashi looks at this mysterious figure with a surprised face.

"I'm an ally; Jiraiya-san brought us here to help your village," Satria says she is reassuring him.

"Jiraiya-Sama, can we ask you to help us?" Kakashi asks him.

Satria nodded. "Sure."

"Now, Kakashi, let's help others, and your transformation is a very youthful, young man. All help is accepted; let's go." Guy said that and thumped up to me.

Not long after their conversation, six sound ninjas showed up to hold them

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Not long after their conversation, six sound ninjas showed up to hold them.

"We can't let you interrupt Lord Orochimaru's plan." Random Sound Ninja said

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