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"YOU CAN'T KEEP BLUSHING every time I look at you," reprimanded Theo softly.

"I can't help it!" she hissed, placing her hands to her heated cheeks.

He pulled her in by the hips, slotting her between his legs where he sat on the bed. "As much as I find your pink cheeks really adorable, if you keep this up, they're all going to know somethings up."

As he had been speaking, his thumb had been moving softly back and forth above the waistband of her shorts. She hit his hands away, stepping back. "How about you don't touch me, don't look at me, and don't speak to me. Therefore, I won't blush."

The stare he gave her was utterly dead, unamused, and called her an idiot. She leaned forward, brushing her fingers as softly against her eyelids as she pulled them shut. He grasped her hand, and then he was pressing a delicate kiss to the tips of each of her fingers.

Dumbfounded, she let him kiss her fingers. Pulling herself out of her stupor, she retracted all her fingers except her middle finger. His laugh wisped against her fingers, and then he was using her hand to pull himself up.

With her hand in his, he led her out of the room and down the corridor to the bathroom. She trailed behind him compliantly. They had just had a late breakfast after a long morning of training, and she'd mentioned wanting to wash her face and put some mascara before joining everyone else to destroy Horcruxes.

Obligingly, Theo was leading her there, remembering her words. Once in the bathroom, he let go of her to lean against the wall and watch her. She washed her face. He tilted his head to the side as he watched her pull out a bottle of mascara from a drawer, a smirk tugging on his lips.

Applying the mascara, she tried to ignore the feeling of his stare burning her skin. His fingers ghosted over her hip, and a blush heated her cheeks again.

"So cute," he murmured, moving to brush his fingers over the blush.

Just as his fingers touched her skin, she let the mascara clatter down into the sink, and her hand snapped up to grab his wrist and slam it down onto the counter. Desire alit his eyes, the smirk on his lips growing.

"I think I know what the cure for my blush would be," she said, thumb pressed against the pulse point on his wrist.

He hummed, eyes leisurely raking over her body. "And what would that be?"

"If we made it even."

His head jerked back, pulse suddenly thrumming hard beneath his skin. A flush overtook his skin, crawling up his neck and over his cheeks.

She let go of his wrist, but he kept his hand where she'd placed it. Her hands inched down, moving to his waist, then lower.

"You—You — If this is about last night, you don't have to—just because I—" He stumbled over his words as she smoothed her hands across his waist. "I gave you pleasure because I wanted to, not because I expected you to return the favour. Not that I don't want you to. I think you can clearly see how much I want you to. But I just—I—Fuck."

"Sweet boy," she murmured, leaning in to kiss him softly. "So selfless. I think that deserves a reward, don't you?"

He gulped, then nodded. She smiled, an utterly wicked smile, and gave him his reward.

All was said and done when a knock sounded on the door, and Theo flinched violently like he had been shot. Celestia didn't look half as terrified as him, though she looked embarrassed at nearly being caught.

"Theo? Is it you in there?" demanded Draco. "Do you know where Celestia is?"

He couldn't put his pants on fast enough. Celestia watched, amused. It was as if he was terrified Draco was about to kick open the door and find them.

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