Chapter Three

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Two weeks later, Sarah vomitted every thing she ate throughout each day. She missed her period, felt nauseous, so she knew she was pregnant. This pregnancy felt worse than the last one. She was still breastfeeding 8 month old Aliyah and woke up every four hours to feed her. Meanwhile Anil slept throughout the night so he could work the next morning, Sarah was up every four hours feeding Aliyah all while she was sick. Sarah ensured her house was cleaned well and Anil and Aliyah were well taken care of. Even though Anil was well cared for, he took out his frustrations from work on Sarah by using her as his punching bag. As a result, Sarah's body was battered, bruised and painful to touch. Every time he did so, Aliyah threatened to call Samaroo for him but she never got to it. By that time, Samaroo was in America on vacation so there was no one to help Sarah. Every night for the next three months, Sarah fell asleep wailing in pain with tears streaming down her face. She wrote to her lover everything that she experienced in her marriage and they both planned to meet each other face to face. One day when Anil left for work, Sarah travelled to her lover with Aliyah so he could see his child. Tears of joy filled  Sarah's lover's eyes to finally see  and hold his child.
It was such a beautiful moment to see the bond between Aliyah and her biological father. Aliyah had her father's eyes and smile. Sarah and her lover hoped the child in her womb was his instead of her husband's because they both knew Anil was quite ugly. She always promised that she would leave Anil for her true love. Sarah's lover suggested they leave Trinidad and start afresh in Canada but they needed passports and tickets. She also needed to serve Anil divorce papers and leave with him as soon as everything was ready. That suggestion for Sarah was a glimor of hope to be free from abuse and Anil and chase her dream of becoming a chef. Unfortunately Sarah's lover left Trinidad alone without explanation or giving her the divorce papers to give to Anil. She was stuck in a marriage with a man who she despised and wasnt even the father of her children.

On July 5th 1997, a baby boy of mixed heritage named Akash Singh was born to Anil and Sarah. Akash was born with straight black hair with the same conplexion as Aliyah. The resemblance between him and his mother was uncanny. It was as the birth of Aliyah all over again. This infuriated Anil when he realized the two children did not resemble him. Again he remembered that his biological children can resemble either mother or father or both. Instead of being present with Sarah, he got drunk at a bar and had a one night stand with an old friend, Sheila to see if he can get a biological child. Sheila observed Anil carefully to ensure he was a bachelor and he passed the test since he left his wedding band at home. They hooked up in a room that was upstairs of the bar and he ensured his seed got inside Sheila. He gave Sheila his number so it was a matter of time before he would get a phone call from her. He stayed out all night and came home around seven next morning to Sarah in bed while the neighbour, miss Rose, was fixing Aliyah and Sarah breakfast. Miss Rose observed that Anil was a complete mess so she pulled him aside to find out what was going on. She did not get a direct answer from him. He only mummbled under his breath then demanded that she left his house but she refused. As far as Miss Rose was concerned, Anil was an imminent threat to the children and his wife. He raised his hand to slap her so she placed him in a tight neck lock and threatened to tell Samaroo if he continued his tantrums. Little did he and Sarah know, Miss Rose was actually Samaroo's second cousin who reported to him. Miss Rose was of Spanish, African and Indian descent and she knew that those werent Anil's children but as a husband she knew he had a responsibility to care for his wife. She knew something about Anil that only his mother knew.

Anil felt betrayed by his wife and wondered why he was unable to impregnate her. He didnt want to confront her because something in his gut told him that Miss Rose was an informant. He was stuck in a marriage he no longer wanted to be apart of. He hoped that Sheila would call him to say she was pregnant with his child. As the only breadwinner, he had an obligation to care for his wife and support the children.

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