Part 3

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Soap: wow lass this place is amazing!

Camila: Thanks! Designed it myself.

I walked to the door and opened it. I held it open so the boys could bring their bags in. I kicked the door closed and walked to my kitchen. I saw my brother Mateo and his husband Bailey standing in the kitchen.

Mateo: finally you're home!

Camila: sorry to keep you waiting but I had to take a trip to base.

Bailey: who's the military guys behind you?

Camila: just some old friends who are visiting.

Mateo: oh alright. Well Olivia is yours for the whole weekend.

Camila: alright you guys have fun on your weekend trip.

Bailey: Olivia we're leaving! Love you sweetie!

Olivia: bye dads! Love you!

Camila: love you guys. Have fun!

Mateo and Bailey left and I heard heavy footsteps run down the stairs. I felt little hands wrap around my thigh.

Camila: oh! Hello there!

I picked Olivia up and held her on my hip. She looked at all of the guys with her big blue eyes. She then looked to me confused.

Olivia: Aunt Birdy?

Camila: yes doll?

Olivia: who are these guys?

Camila: I'm not sure how about you ask them.

Olivia: who are you guys?

Soap: I'm soap little lass.

Price: captain price

Ghost: Ghost

Rudy: my name is Rudolfo but people call me Rudy

Alejandro: my name is Alejandro

Gaz: I'm known as Gaz.

Olivia: you guys look cool. Aunt Birdy, can we go on a jet ride?

Camila: not tonight sweetheart. I gotta get these guys settled in their rooms, but before you leave I'll take you on a ride.

Olivia: alright Aunt Birdy.

Camila: alright now you go upstairs and play while I settle these guys in.

Olivia ran upstairs to her play room and I turned to my kitchen counter so I could put the bottle of whiskey in my cabinet. I opened the cabinet and my medicine bottle fell out.

Camila: no wonder I've been so antsy today. I forgot to take my pills.

I put the whiskey in the cabinet and picked up my medicine bottle. I grabbed two of the white pills and stuck them in my mouth. I turned on my sink and got a drink of water to wash them down. I turned off the sink and walked toward the boys. I motioned them to follow me and I walked upstairs.

Price: what pills did you just take?

Camila: antidepressants because apparently I have unresolved childhood trauma and it makes me irritated and depressed. Atleast that's what my therapist says. I think I'm just an alcoholic who will only be sober when kids are around because I don't wanna turn up like my father. Y'know? Anywayyys follow me.

I walked to a long hallway of rooms. The hallway was a nice light grey and the doors were dark oak with pretty black door

Camila: alright you guys can choose any of the rooms beside these two. This one is my room and the other one is Olivia's. Every room should have a small bathroom with a shower. There are towels, toiletries, and everything you should need. I'm gonna go make dinner while you guys get settled.

Wings Captain Price x ocWhere stories live. Discover now