Part 7: Captain.

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After a romantic night with the captain, and no strings attached we got up early to head to base. Upon landing and making it to base we're walking inside of the building that looks soooo boring. I roll my eyes upon entering but atleast I have a view of the captains backside. His hips sway ever so lightly and I don't know why his waist is so small like cover it up you slut. But I don't slut shame. I slut encourage. That's my motto, that's how I roll. I mean if you aren't living your life to the fullest and being a slut then what are you doing? Eating rocks. No probably eating crayons. (Marine joke since I'm a Marine 🤭)

Camilla: Captain can you stop walking like that?

Price: like what?

Camilla: like a slut.

Kyle: Ms. Camilla, I'm gonna have to agree with you.

Camilla: thank you. I mean I don't mind I'm just saying I'm getting a little heated back here.

Price: I don't walk like a slut.

Camilla: yeah you do.

Price: no I don't.

Camilla: yes you do.

Price: no.

Camilla: yes

Price: no

Camilla: yes!

Ghost: both of you shut up! Respectfully of course no insubordination from me.

Camilla: fine. I'll deal with you later captain.

I turn the hallway going away from them and run my nail against the wall while humming. I find a door and smile as I see my name written on the plaque beside my door. This office better be nice. I walk in and it's pretty boring but nice enough that it could be spiced up. I'm gonna put a playboy bunny neon sign in here. No that's probably not allowed. Who cares it's my office I have the right to choose what goes in it. But first this. I pull a picture out of my bag and put the picture of Ethan right in my desk.

Camilla: where I go, you go with remember?

I smile softly and run my finger across the picture before standing up again and walking around the office dusting off all the books with my hands. Ooh a mental health brochure. I throw the brochure in the garbage and smile as I walk away and towards the couch and sit on it. I plop against the couch and hit my ass hard on the couch. I make a pained face and a small sound.

Camilla: holy shit that's hard.

That's what she said.

Camilla: that's so getting replaced.

I get bored of my office after I've went through everything and I walk out. I hum as I walk down the halls and make my way to the main hall. I see many pictures of people along the walls and I see a portrait of General Shepherd. I look around and pull a sharpie out of my pocket. I draw a swirly mustache and big eyebrows onto his face, then I make his nostrils bigger. I giggle to myself and quickly walk away. I just kindve walk around mindlessly and eventually reach a gym. Oooh a punching bag. I love punching bags. Helps with my anger issues. I walk away from the gym and reach a mess hall type place. I smell food from the kitchen and it makes me purse my lips. I want cheese its. I also want brownies, but laced. The military sucks. But when have I ever taken a drug test and actually passed? Honestly if someone were to take one today I would probably fail. Hard.

Whooo caress. I turn around and start to walk outside. I see the young rookies all training and doing the courses. Everyone should know not to climb the rope like that. That might get you up quicker but it will also hurt your hands more. Dumbass. I snicker as I walk by and start to go over to one of the course. I here someone walk behind me and I quickly turn around.

Man: where's your uniform rookie?!

Camilla: I'm not a rookie.

Man: yeah right. Get your uniform and start doing work before I put you on toilet duty!

Camilla: no.

Man: but I'm the boss.

Camilla: I don't care.

Man: you should.

Camilla: you're not my boss. I'm my boss. I'm a captain lieutenant.

Man: sure you are. You're a woman.

Camilla: I am? Omg I didn't know that. I really thought I had a dick and balls you mean to tel me I have a vagina?! Omg I didn't know!

Man: whatever. The captain will here about this.

Camilla: I fucked your captain. And probably your mom.

I walk away towards the building again and start to roam the halls again. I'm bored out of my mind. I reach the letting room and see that it's empty. I walk inside and close the door and blinds. I also switch the sign to meeting in session. I shift the table to the back to make room. I then get one of the spinny chairs and start to spin in fast circle making myself dizzy and giggly. It's like shrooms with less hallucinations. This is great!

I laugh to myself as I spin over and over again and then get up to walk. I bump into everything in my way and fall to the ground while laughing. Again again. I get up and sit in the chair and start to spin again. I suddenly stop spinning as I look over to see a hand on the chair. I trail the persons hand and see the captain with a raised eyebrow.

Price: what are you doing?

Camilla: finding a cure for boredom.

Price: you messed up the meeting room.

Camilla: and? It's fixable.

Price: not the point. Didn't I tell you to behave?

Camilla: that was yesterday it expired at 12:00 am.

Price: you need to behave Camilla, you're on a military base right now. You aren't discharge anymore, you're active duty as of now.

Camilla: what are you gonna do, punish me?

Price: if I have to.

Camilla: okay I wasn't expecting that answer.

Price: it won't be a normal punishment though. Maybe it'll be something that makes you listen better.

Camilla: I would like to see you try captain.

Price: you're so stubborn.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2023 ⏰

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