Part 5: Shenanigans

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Price: well we picked up your meds. Where we goin now? This isn't the way to your house.

Camila: I'm hungry. Fancy a quick drink with me captain?

Price: why not?

I continued driving to my favorite bar in town. I've known the owner for awhile now. She was a sweet old lady but she is a complete badass. She always tells me about how I'm her favorite customer.

Price: a bar named cherry bomb?

Camila: it's an amazing place and the woman who owns it says I'm her favorite.

Price: mmm. You're her favorite huh?

Camila: I'm an alcoholic. Ofcourse I'm a bar owners favorite.

We walked inside and I immediately went to my spot at the bar. The chair had a plague with my name along with a few of my old medals and a picture of me in my dress clothes. The chair had my old leather jacket draped over the bag.

Camila: haha that's where it's been. I've been looking for this jacket forever.

Jen: you left it here last time you were here. You went out with that guy who bought you a drink. 

Camila: oh now I remember. That guy was creepy.

Jen: thought you went home with him.

Camila: you know I don't do hookups Jen.

Jen: yeah yeah I guess you're right. Who's the fine man with you.

Camila: an old friend. Captain you can sit in Evin's old spot.

Price: are you sure?

Camila: of course! Evin would believe that any friend of mine is a friend of his.

Jen: He sure would.

Price: alright.

Price sat down and Jen started tending to a few customers who asked for her. The silence between price and I was comfortable.

Jen: the usual?

Camila: yes please.

Jen: for you young man?

Price: I'll have what she gets.

Jen: alright!

Jen handed us our drinks and a medium sized basket filled with fries. I saw price's eyes widen when he took a drink of the whiskey.

Price: how do you always pick good drinks?

Camila: it's simple price-

Price: call me John.

Camila: it's simple John. I like my alcohol like I like my men. Older. They always taste better.

Price: bloody hell. Be careful with your words darlin. I might think you're flirting with me.

Camila: maybe I am captain.

Price: mmm.

I stared deeply into the captain's eyes and watched as a slight fire lit up in the blue glint of his irises. He slowly leaned his head down and I lifted mine upwards. I could feel his slow breaths on my nose and I could feel the heat from his body. He smelt like earthy cigars and the Tennessee whiskey that was in both of our hands. Something quickly snapped in both of us and we found ourselves pulling away.

Camila: put the drinks on my tab will ya Jen?

Jen: of course! Have a good night you two!

Camila: you too! We should probably get back.

Price: yeah I agree.

Price and I walked out to the car and I quickly got in to go home. I didn't drink much so I'm perfectly ok to drive. Although my body wanted me to stay close to the captain. I wanted to kiss him. I don't know why I feel like this so suddenly, but I can only hope the captain feels the same and it wasn't just the alcohol letting his guard down.

The drive home was silent but not akward. We kept taking small glances toward eachother. We were about 15 minutes away from my house and all that was around us was trees. There were no other cars on the road since I'm really the only one that lives in this area.

Price: pull over.

Camila: is everything ok?

Price: just need to finish what we started.

I pulled over to the side and price immediately went to the backseat. I went to the back and price immediately pulled me toward his lap.

Price sat me down on him and our lips immediately connected. The kiss was soft and haste. The kiss eventually got rougher and more rushed.

I moaned as price bit my lip to put his tongue in and fight me for dominance. He won. His beard roughed up my skin as his kisses went to my neck. I let out small breathy moans every time he would suckle or nip the skin along my breasts.

Camila: John...

He traveled back up to my lips and we both groaned into the passionate, rough kiss. Price put his forehead to mine and we took deep breaths in each other's embrace. His hands were on my hips and my arms were wrapped around his neck. Both of our eyes were still closed and honestly it was hard to open them.

I wanted to stay in this moment forever with John. I've never felt peace like this before. Evin calmed me down when he was alive, but John makes me feel safe and comfortable which is dangerous but I never wanna leave or stop this moment.

Price: we gotta get back.

Camila: yeah... you're right.

I went back to the front seat and started the car back up. The drive all the way home was silent once again, but there was a newfound tension in the air. It was hot and sexy and it was swirling around John and I. The air was needy and desperate for us to continue what just happened in the backseat, but it will never happen.

John and I both know it would be wrong for us to do this, but it feels so right. I want him to ruin me but then I also want the soft moments where he cares and caresses my body slowly. The want for John is slowly turning into a need and it scares me. My core is desperate for his light touches and his heavily calloused hands on my burning skin. I need John, but I know I can't have him.

Wings Captain Price x ocTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon