Part 4

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Camila: you really think you can beat me?

Soap: hell yeah! I'm a soldier I bet I could beat you ten times.

Camila: if you really think so then let's do it.

Soap: oh it's on!

Gaz: up. Down. 1...30...50...60

Soap: how are you still going and barely sweating?

Camila: I'm just good at what I do. Y'know my old captain made me do 200 push ups for losing against him in fighter jets.

Soap: what?!

Camila: yeah. It was my fault though. I bet against the other guys that if we lost we would have to do 200 push-ups. Let's just say they weren't happy with me for a while.

Gaz: that's hilarious! I bet you took the push-ups like a champ!

Camila: hell yeah I did! Soap do you wanna forfeit now?

Soap: yeah I'm done. I can't!

Soap dropped to the ground and I sat up on my knees. I looked into the distance and I saw price holding Olivia up in the air. She had her arms spread and he was running making plane noises.

I know I shouldn't think like this, but in this moment I couldn't help but think about having a family would be like. Sharing a home with people I love dearly instead of being out with my aircrafts all day. Having kids and a partner seems so comforting to come home to. It feels like it would be warmer than coming home to an empty house that had memories plastered along the walls that left me to reminisce with a bottle of alcohol.

Soap: admiring the captain aye lass?

Camila: what? No! Of course not. Just making sure Olivia isn't bothering anybody.

Soap: y'know he ain't got anyone waiting for him. So if you're interested I say take your chances.

Camila: do you want me to order you to do 200?

Soap: no ma'am!

Camila: that's what I thought.

My heart raced as I saw the captain take Olivia in his strong arms. His muscles bulged through his shirt as he hugged her and swung her around in his arms. My eyes swelled with small tears wishing I would've gotten that love as a kid.

Camila: shit! That's why I'm so emotional! I forgot my pills. Soap? Can you watch over Olivia I need to take my pills.

Soap: sure thing lass. Me and Gaz got this!

I walked to the house and into the kitchen. I went straight to my lovely medication cabinet and grapped the bottle of antidepressants. I opened the cap and shook the bottle but nothing came out. I looked inside and it was completely empty. I rummaged through my med cabinet to hopefully find another bottle but there was nothing.

I slid my back on the counter and started crying softly as I rose my knees to my chest. It was a stupid minor inconvenience so why am I fucking crying!

Ghost: are you alright?

Camila: I'm fine.

Ghost: I don't think you are

I rose my head from my knees and looked at the tall masked man above me. He walked and sat with me on the floor. He moved tensely and swiftly some how.

Ghost: I'm not used to comforting people, but do you want to talk about it?

Camila: it's stupid but I ran out of my antidepressants.

Ghost: it's not stupid. I think you need to realize that you're on those pills for a reason, so when you don't take the pills you experience withdrawal symptoms. It's not stupid. It's normal

Camila: thanks Ghost.

He nodded his head and got up. He held out his hand to pick me up and I took it. I wiped my eyes and we walked to the door. I got my keys and walked outside to everyone who were huddled around Olivia.

Olivia: I'm showing them my dance moves aunt Birdy!

Camila: I can see that sweetheart.

Price: are you going somewhere?

Camila: uhh yeah I got to go into town and pick my prescription up.

Price: would you mind if I went with?

Camila: Of course not captain! Do you think your boys could handle watching Olivia?

Price: I think they got it. Hey boys! You guys are watching Olivia for a bit alright? We have to go into town.

Soap: alright! We got this captain!

Price and I walked to the car and I got into the drivers side. I turned the car on and started driving out of the driveway.

Price: so how come you can drive into town but we can't drive from base to your house?

Camila: well town is only a little bit away, but base is about an hour and I'm sorry but I wasn't driving for an hour with sweaty military men.

Price: alright I'll accept that.

Camila: are you starting to trust me a little more?

Price: I had my doubts, but I realized if your a friend of laswell then your a friend of mine.

Camila: thank you captain.

Price: thank you for taking us in.

Camila: if you don't mind me asking, how did you get the scar on your arm?

Price: interrogation by the Russians. They are ruthless

Camila: I can agree with that!

Price: if you also don't mind, what about the one on your neck.

Camila: I was betrayed by a spy in my team. It's how Evin was killed. She stabbed him in his sleep and then tried to slit my throat while we were stranded on Russian enemy grounds. Luckily I was saved in time, but unfortunately Evin didn't make it.

Price: wow! I'm sorry. That sounds tough.

Camila: it was for awhile but things are better now.

Price: you're amazingly strong.

Camila: you really think so?

Price: yeah. I mean you were stranded and your throat was slit open. You're still alive and that's very impressive. Not to mention other things you've most definitely dealt with.

Camila: thank you. I think you're impressive too captain. You've been through a lot the past few day and you've still kept your heart.

We drove the rest of the way in a comfortable silence and for once I wasn't bouncing my leg like a drug addict because I ran out of my pills. I was actually somewhat happy right now and I could get comfy with price being around.

Wings Captain Price x ocWhere stories live. Discover now