Chapter Seven

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Kellin's POV:

The moment Vic walked out that door, I instantly felt something was missing.

Now, as I sit on the old leather couch we once had cuddled on, I face the plain wooden walls, the finish slightly peeled off to form what looked like the wall frowning. It's only been about a week since he walked out that door.

Had I done something wrong? I merely only wished to spend time with the man I was falling for.

My train of though is shattered as lightning crashes, echoing through the halls of the creaky, old home, causing me to jump a few feet into the air. As I calm my beating heart, my mind goes back to Vic. Poor Vic, out in the cold-

Why in hell would I help him? He clearly doesn't need me. Not at all. Instead, I turn on the news and continue staring blankly at the television, listening to stories of man turning against man.

I watch the news for a few minutes, until I can take no more of these stories. Looking back at the clock, confusion takes over as I realise I've been watching tv for two hours. The storm is still clashing with the howling wind against the sides of my house.

Oh, I wish Vic was here. Thinking of how late it is, I bring my blanket downstairs and sleep down there, in case Vic knocks on the door in the night, hoping to be let in.


Stupid Kellin. Fucking thinking he can just barge into my life and try to change me. Change me? Hah, like it's early enough for that.

I'm worth shit, I am shit, and must be treated so. Why in hell would he want to get close to me?

It's a bad idea to sit under the forest canopy during a thunderstorm, but I really don't give a flying fuck. So what if I get electrocuted? It would be nature's way of doing everyone a favour.

My typical spot by the tombstones has always packed with a layer of leaves which crunch under the weight of me, as I trudge back from the short walk I was taking to clear my mind. It never worked. Remembering it is not, in fact, the people who have hurt me, I curl up and fall asleep, ignoring the shivering my body has started now that the rain is soaking through my clothes.


When I wake up, I feel like shit and I have a pounding headache. Oh shit, I've caught a cold. Feeling my forehead, I come to the conclusion I do not, in fact, have a fever. Thank god.

I try to get up, but my head starts spinning, and I crash back to the ground. Fuck.

The rain starts again, full power, and I realise right then, without Kellin, I'm royally screwed. The thought of Kellin, instead of irritation, brings a feeling of...longing. I wish I was back with him. I would walk back, but seeing as I can't walk currently, I think I should sleep it off.

I wake up again, only it's nighttime. Did I sleep all day? Apparently, so. I feel my forehead once more, looking at the moon shimmering in the sky. Shit, I have a fever. That isn't good. Who am I kidding, no one gives a shit, I'm pretty insignificant.

I try to get up and get to Kellin, but once again I fall onto my hands and knees, passing out once more.


"Vic! Vic! VICTOR!" I hear a familiar voice all my name. I attempt to respond, but no sound comes out. "Oh my god, Vic!" Next I feel someone grab my arms roughly and attempt to pick me up and throw me over their shoulder. When that doesn't work, they let go and their footsteps retreat. I'm alone again. Loud crunching on the leaves let's me know they're back, and I can hear wheels squealing behind them.

They pick me up once more, and place me in what feels like a wagon.

"It's okay, Vic. It's Kellin. I'm so sorry, I'll fix this." And I pass out once more as Kellin wheels me in the direction of home.

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