Chapter Thirteen

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A/N: warning. Use of derogatory term for gay person, and a scene of violence in which could possibly be triggering to some readers.

Mumbling to myself, I shuffled towards the bus, my hood above my head as it had suddenly started raining. Oh, how ironic. A sad moment with drops of hate pelting themselves at me.

"Where to?" The bus driver asked. "Free transport."

"Anywhere but here." I sniffled, sitting at the back of the bus. I had no ear buds, no iPod, no nothing. So I just sat in the uniform silence, mixed with the light chatter of fellow passengers.

After about four stops, I realized I'd eventually have to get off this bus. I promised myself the next one would be it. And hell, do I wish I never had done that.

I tripped over my own feet on the way down the bus steps, falling off the last step and my ass landing in a puddle of mud. Fucking great. Just dandy.

Where I was headed, I had no idea. But, all I knew was I had walked this road before, one I know all too well.

The end of the street arrived, and I had to choose, left or right.

I could turn left and head for the cemetery, but Kellin would find me.
He's planning on leaving me. Like everyone else. I can't even look at him right now, let alone accept his help.

The dim streetlight cast eerie shadows upon the intersection. Not a car was to be seen, and the neighborhood was quiet. I suddenly realized I was heading for my old home. Well, house. I cannot spend another night there, not that my parents would even let me in the door.

I turned on another corner, this time it leading me to another intersection. This one wasn't quite so empty.

An alleyway lead to the park nearby, and I began trotting towards the closely-set brick walls, my footsteps echoing between them. I guess I could sleep on the park bench, but it's really cold out and if I remember correctly, there's a homeless shelt-

"Hey, look who's back." A voice snarled.
I turned around on the open street to find a face I had hoped to never see again.

Mike's old friends, big brutes with muscles that move more than the gears in their heads. That didn't stop my heart from leaping into my throat.

"Uhm, h-hi."

"Awh, look, the fag is shy."

The rest of his idiots laughed, making the whole thing feel even more just like a movie.

"Don't what?"
"Call me that."
"What, faggot?"
"Faggot, faggot, faggot, faggot!" The ass and his sheep began chanting. Anger began pumping through my veins instead of blood, making my hands shake and my body feel numb.

"STOP IT!" I screamed, clenching my hands into tight fists and squeezing my eyes closed.

I heard it before I felt it. His knee collide with my ribs. I could hear each individual crack as the bone surely shattered. A searing pain grew inside me, and I tried to get away, but two of his goons threw me to the floor, causing me to his in pain, my face scrunching into a grimace.

I heard a few continue to chant faggot, as a few others began kicking me as I lay helpless on the ground. Two of them stood on my legs, their full weight on their cleated shoes, digging into my calves.

I deserve this, I deserve this, I deserve this.

I kept telling myself, as I began to grow drowsy and low on energy.

"Nighty night." The leader said, looking down and spitting on my face before crushing his foot down onto my face, as my world went black.

Kellin won't be here to save me.

Kellin's POV

"So, can I see him now?" I asked, and the receptionist of the hospital sighed.

"Family only."

"I am family."


"Boyfriend." The nurses face twisted into that of a confused animal, before handing me a note of which room Vic is in.

"Yeah, it's not a legal title yet here, but fuck it." She whispered, smiling at me.

I attempted to smile back, but failed.

On the way up in the elevator, my mind was on Vic and only Vic. How even his brother, who we believed despised Vic, had found Vic on the street and called for help, then somehow reached me through the grapevine. What a blessing such an asshole can be.
I'm starting to believe the only reason he's hostile is because he drinks. Maybe that's his flaw. That, and letting his parents control him, despite being 22.

My thoughts stopped as I reached Vic's floor.
Finding the curtain to his room, I held the fabric between my hands, taking a deep breath as I prepared for the worst.

My, I wasn't prepared for that.

Vic's entire face was shades of purple and green upon one cheek, and the other side was just bruised and cut up. Badly. His head was wrapped up, and so was his ribcage. He winced whenever he took a breath, and the blanket covered his legs, but I could see a bit of blood soaking through the sheet.

"Vic!" I cried, running towards him but stopping, so I didn't hurt him.

"Pretty Boy, oh my god you're okay." I wrapped my arms gently around him, holding him as close as possible, but he just tensed up.


"You were leaving. You were gonna just leave me on my own."

"But I'm here now..." I said, unsure as to what he was getting at.

"Please, just, get out."

Tears rolled down my face as I nodded. I guess he needed space. I kissed the bandage on his forehead, but he moved away quickly, prying my arms off of him.

I made it look like I left, but I sat down in a chair outside the room, not leaving until Vic was leaving with me.

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