Between Royals part 3

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Diner was weird, well no, actually people seemed to be more comfortable with each other now. But you were too busy thinking about today you didn't even notice. "y/n? are you okay darling?" Rhys asks you. you notice everyone has gone silent and is starring at you. "yeah I'm fine" you tell him before you get back to eating. "how was your day?" Rhys asked you. "it was okay" you tell him. "she showed us the city" Ruhn says "it's beautiful". "what was your favorite spot?" Bryce asked him. "definitely the rainbow I believe it was called. It's so colorful and...alive" Ruhn says. "was that the spot with the theaters and art shops?" Aelin asked. "yes it is" Rhys answers her. "I agree I think I could spend days there. I miss going to a theater, hearing music" Aelin says, sounding happy now. So different then how she acted yesterday. "from above it looked even better" Rowan says. "nah I don't think so. I think you need to be walking in it to really experience it" Aelin tells him. "well" Rowan says challenging her. "I think Aelin is right. You need to walk thru it to experience it fully. To really see the colorful houses up close, to hear the music to smell the paint. To see the beautiful dresses hanging in the ateliers" Dorian says looking over to you.

"did you show them the rainbow?" Rhys asked you shocked, knowing you haven't been there in months. You stay silent. "she showed me her atelier" Dorian tells him, which you hated him for. Rhys had tried for weeks to get you to go there, to even walk thru the rainbow but he could never get you to. Yet this stranger could. "y/n? did you go to your atelier?" Rhys asked shocked. You nod. "you make clothes?" Aelin asks. "made" you almost whisper, trying to keep the tears from showing and your voice from breaking. "she could made the most beautiful clothing. She always had the most exclusive fabrics, no one know where she got them but everyone knew that if you wanted something special made. You needed to go to her" Rhys tells Aelin when he sees you struggling. Your hands slowly begin to shake as you hear the praise of your work. 'are you okay?' you hear Rhys ask in your mind. 'yes' you send back but he knows you're lying. He lifts your head to make you look at him and you know he can see right thru you, that you're not okay. You get out of his grip and shove your chair back. "y/n darling?" he says, worry mixing with sadness at the thought that you're not okay. "I just need a minute" you tell him before you storm out. "y/n!" you hear Rhys yell behind you. 'I'll be back in a few, just need some time alone' you send him thru your minds connection. 'please stay safe' he send back. 'I will'.

You walk outside feeling the night air on your skin and you start walking and walking. Until you stand in your atelier and finally let the tears out.

Rhys pov

"is she okay?" Aelin asks, which was the last person you thought would ask. "she needs some time alone" you tell them as you see everyone is staring at you. "she really showed you her atelier?" you ask Dorian. "she did, she was really scared though and sad" he tells you. you stair at the table "she hasn't been there in months. Not after the war" you tell him "it used to be the thing that made her happy but after her friend died. She just.......". "she didn't find joy in it anymore" Aelin says softly. "like the joy of that thing vanished with her friend" Bryce says. They both sounded like they understood. "your best friend died too?" you ask them. "yes" they both say at the same time. "will she ever find that joy again?" you ask them, hoping they at least could tell you it gets better. "eventually" they both say, which gave you some hope. "how did you do it?" you ask Dorian. "I just knew what she felt, like you're not worthy of that place anymore" he says, sounding like that's how he felt too.

It's silent for a while until Aelin asks "what is the best theater show you have here right now?" the question seemed random at first, but you realize these people could all use something good and fun for a change. "you know what, I'm gonna take you guys to the best show not only in Velaris but in Pythian" you say. "what about y/n?" Dorian asked, he seemed to really care for her. "I will let her know" you tell him. "how?" "well we kinda can communicate in our minds" you tell Dorian. "so you know what she thinks? All the time?" Dorian asks, sounding curious and something else you couldn't really place. "I used to, she learned to keep me out, so now we only communicate what we want to. Well, and I feel it if she's experiencing intense emotions, like this afternoon, twice" you tell them, quickly giving Dorian and Ruhn a look. Seeing if one of them would react in a weird way. they both did. 

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