sun and shadow part 1

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Eris x reader / Azriel x reader

you open your eyes when you feel someone kiss your forehead. you look directly into Eris' eyes. "morning princess" he says smiling down at you. "morning" you smile back, still a little tired after last night. "did i ruin you that much" he says grinning. "asshole, you can be glad i can walk normally" you tell him. "oh surely i haven't done my job right then, if you can still walk" he says before he kisses you deeply. "i guess i'll try again tonight" he says as he gets up out of bed. "where are you going?" you ask him disappointed.

you relationship with Eris was good, tho the only thing you hated was that you spend so little time with him. he was the son of the high lord of the autumn court and was always busy with something relating to that. Because one day Eris was gonna be high lord.

"autumn court business" he tells you, of course it was. "then what am I gonna do the whole day?" you ask him, already knowing it was gonna be another boring day. "waiting for me to come home" Eris says smiling at you, but you don't smile back. "hey I promise I'm gonna try my best to make more time for you" he says kissing you softly. "you promises me that a month ago too, and it only seems you're getting busier" you tell him disappointed. "I know sweetheart, I'm trying" he says. He hated it as much as you, to be away. But he had his duties, well his dad gave him tasks. And let's say he was not the man you could make a fair deal with, definitely not when it came to court business. add to that the fact that he hated you, because you were simply not born royal. No if anything you were a bastard, found somewhere dumped in a shed at the edge of the autumn court. A nice looking couple took you in but they were not as nice as you thought. Eris learned you that is was not normal to beat your kid, even tho he had some experience with that as well, not as bad as you though. You had a big scar on your thigh. Luckily you could cover it up quite easily, but you knew it was there, and so did Eris, who tried his best to make sure you never felt less worthy because of it.

"I'll try to be home early" he says before he kisses you one last time and walks out. You get dressed short after he's left to get some breakfast. Unfortunately when you leave your room there are guards waiting for you. "the high lord requested you" one of the guard says. Shit this could never be good, that man hates you. you follow the guards to the throne room, they open the doors and you see the high lord sitting on his throne.

Baron was as cruel as he looked. You hoped Eris would take over the throne soon, but in order to do that he had to kill his dad. And even tho Eris seemed like an asshole to everyone who didn't know him that well, you know he still loved his dad.

"ah miss y/l/n" the high lord said as you walk in. "you requested me?" you ask him. "aren't you gonna bow to your high lord" he said with a grin on his face. God you hated this man. You make a quick bow before him, hating every second of it. "so miss y/l/n, how are you and my son doing?" he asked and you already hear the disapproval in his tone. "we're very well, thank you for asking" you say politely. "hm shame, that's gonna make this harder for you" he says his face changing into the wicked face you remember all to well.

"what are you talking about high lord?" you ask him, getting a bit scared right now. "well miss y/l/n you see my son is thinking about marrying you" he says and your eyes grow big, happy butterflies go wild in your stomach, but they then turn sour as you see the high lords face. "and I can't have you walking around here as a royal. I will not tolerate bastards in my family. Surely you understand" he says smiling at you. "i-I do not, high lord" you say softly. "yes you do, tell me miss y/l/n. do you love my son?" he asks. "yes sir, yes I do" you tell him. "then you have to do what's best for him. the people of autumn court will not tolerate a bastard standing next to my son, not now and definitely not when he's high lord one day. There are tons of royals he can marry that this court will love. You will never be loved, your own parents didn't even love you enough, they left you to die. Do you think anyone will treat you any differently. You don't deserve my son's love, and you know it". You try your hardest not to cry in front of him. "b-but I" you say softly, knowing he's right. "if you really love my son, you leave and never come back" he says strictly. "but Eris he-" "you will leave, I give you one hour to pack your stuff and then my guards will take you far away from here, if you refuse to go along I'll let my guards take you away in a far less pleasant way" he tells you. you can't believe what's happening. "o-okay" you say nodding, knowing there's nothing you can do about this. It's either you go yourself, or the guards will take you somewhere, if not the grave, just to make sure you'll never step foot in the autumn court again.

You turn to go pack your stuff. "oh and miss y/l/n" the high lord calls behind you "this conversation never happened. You left because you loved someone else. And if you ever tell Eris about this, I'll kill you myself". You walk away fast, and quickly grab all your stuff. You don't even know where to go.

2 hours later the guards drop you off at the boarder of the autumn court and you tell yourself everything will be okay. They rip the necklace Eris gave you off of your neck. "no!" you yell at them, because it's the only thing of Eris you have left. "forget about this, you'll never see him again" they say before they leave.

You look back to the autumn court one last time "I love you" you whisper to the wind, hoping somehow it will find Eris. "I'm sorry" you say before you begin to walk to wherever you feet take you, far away from the autumn court.

Eris' pov

After a long day of business you walk to your room, tired from today and wanting nothing more than to scoop y/n into your arms and tell her how much you love her. you know she hates that you 2 don't see each other enough. You put your hand on your pocked where a wedding ring is sitting in it's box. You had yet to decide when the best time was to ask her to marry you. you wanted it to be special, but maybe you should just ask her. tomorrow you think, tomorrow you plan a nice evening for the 2 of you and you ask her then, you just can't wait any longer. You loved this girl.

You open the door to your rooms. "I'm home princess" you yell. There is no answer. "y/n? I'm home" you yell a bit louder, still no answer. This was weird, normally she would be waiting for you and kiss you as soon as you walk in the door. A weird feeling overtakes you, surely nothing bad happened right? You look in all the rooms, maybe she just fell asleep already or is so indulged in a book she's not hearing you. but all the rooms are empty. Then you step into the bedroom and your heart stops for a moment. The drawer of her wardrobe is open and half of her clothes are gone, with it the knife she always keeps for whenever she might need it, the one you gave her on your first solstice together.

No she can't be gone right? Not without saying goodbye or even an explanation to say why. You rush to the throne room, surely you're overreacting. You see your dad sitting on his throne. "have you seen y/n?" you ask him. "no, I haven't" he says an irritated look in his eyes, you know your dad didn't like y/n but fuck him, you loved her and you're gonna marry her. "she's gone" you say softly, realizing what's going on here. "so the bastard finally decided to leave. Good" your dad says. "shut up!" you yell at him. "don't you dare speak to your high lord like that" your dad yells angrily "she probably used you for money". "she would never" you tell him, angry now. At that moment a guard walks in "high lord, a part of your wife's dowry is missing". You look up at your dad, no it can't be. No this had nothing to do with y/n. "see my boy, woman are not to be trusted. They make you think they love you but steal from you when you have served your purpose" your dad tells you. "no y/n didn't do this" you tell your dad. "Sir we found this in the fault" the guard says holding up the necklace you gave y/n. "no" you whisper not believing it. But you have to, the evidence is telling you your father is right. She took the dowry and left. She doesn't love you and probably never did. 

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