《Ultimate Move》

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Waking up the next day was confusing. It took Reiko a good few minutes to realize what was going on. That's why she planned ahead and set her alarm to ten minutes earlier than usual.

She went down to the kitchen to get breakfast, only to find nobody there yet. She double-checked the time on her phone before getting some eggs out and making some scrambled eggs and tea.

The first one in the commons was Bakugou. He rubbed his eyes as he walked in. "Good morning." Reiko greeted with a sleepy smile. "Mornin'" He grunted and started making his breakfast.

The girl finished soon and went back to her room to get ready. She put on the usual light makeup and brushed her hair before changing into her uniform and going outside.

The school was a five-minute walk away, Reiko admired the view since it was her first time seeing it. Although she was the first to wake up, some people got ready and arrived at school sooner so she wasn't alone.

"As you all know by now, your main focus this summer is obtaining provisional licenses." Aizawa looked more awake than ever today. "Do not take this lightly. Having hero licenses means you are responsible for human lives. You can imagine how difficult the exam is, only fifty percent of students succeed each year."

"Makes sense. I guessed they wouldn't just hand them out freely." Reiko pouted.

"In order to prepare, today you'll concentrate on creating something new;" Aizawa continued as three other pro heroes arrived. Cementos, Midnight, and Ectoplasm. "Two ultimate moves."

Ultimate moves? Sounds like something straight out of a superhero comic. Though, I suppose they were training to be heroes after all.

"When we say ultimate, we mean a move that will ensure your victory."

"An action so unique to your identity that no other person can hope to copy it."

"Your moves represent who you are. These days, most pros have these. Those who don't, are fools."

The three pro heroes explained. "We'll explain further later on today. For now, change into your costumes and meet in gym gamma." Aizawa instructed and left the kids to do their thing.

"Ooh, I'm so excited!" Mina jumped around while they changed. "I'm not, what if I can't decide what ultimate I want to have? Or have too much? I'm already dreading today." Reiko sighed. "You're thinking too much, Reiko. I'm sure there's something unique in those spellbooks." Momo assured her.

"This is gym gamma, often referred to as the training dining land or T.D.L." Aizawa introduced them.

"This was my idea, here we can prepare unique terrains and obstacles for each student," Cementos explained further.

"A hero's job is to save people from all sorts of dangers. Crime, accidents, and natural or handmade disasters. That's what the provisional license exam examines. There won't just be fighting. Communication, cooperation, and leading skills will be judged as well as how well you gather information."

"So it's basically a secret weapon." Sato guessed.

"The training camp was interrupted, now that everyone's caught up, you'll be working hard to develop powerful moves of your own for the next ten days or so."

"So this is how my summer vacation will go..." Reiko sighed. "Yes, exactly like this. Prepare for extensive training. In addition, think about how you can improve your costumes. I expect each of you to go plus ultra."

An ultimate move...What would it be? It has to be unique.

Reiko was paired up against a copy of Ectoplasm, like everyone else. She looked around for a moment to see everyone already practicing moves.

It has to be quick and easy to summon, plus it can't drain too much stamina. Man, being a hero is way more difficult than she thought.

Bakugou had exploded another copy of Ectoplasm which caught Reiko's attention.

What if she used something like that? Like an explosive punch.

She looked back at her teacher, nearly dodging an attack that was sent her way. "Don't just doze off, pay attention." He warned.

"I am! I was just thinking." She stood up quickly and summoned a panel which she punched. It emitted a pink ray, it destroyed the clone instantly.

"Yeah, that's it! I was all worried for nothing." She dusted herself off. "Mr. Ectoplasm! Can I get another clone?"

For the day, Reiko only practiced that one move. Trying her best to perfect it.

"What about your costume? Don't you want to improve on it?" Mina asked Reiko. They were packing their school bags. "No, at least not yet. I think it's perfect." She yawned. "Maybe some more support on my legs...I don't know." She shrugged.

"What about you?" "I don't have any idea what would improve my costume, so no. Maybe I'll brainstorm some ideas." Mina stretched her arms.

"Man, all that training got me tired as fuck." Reiko plopped on her bed, Mina was still with her. "And it's just the first day. I doubt it'll be any better tomorrow." Mina sighed.

"My hands are all raw after all that acid, too." She groaned as she rubbed them together. "Do you want some lotion? It's cocoa scented."

"Aw yeah! Thanks."

A silence fell upon both of them, unusual but not unwelcome. It stayed until Mina's curiosity got the better of her.

"Rei, if you don't mind me asking...which sibling was A.F.O. referring to?" A heavy sigh left Reiko's lips. "Remi."

"Wh- How did he know Remi?"

"I don't know, but the whole league knew him. I haven't told mom and dad yet, I don't plan to." She put her head in her hands. "How are you dealing with it?"

"Surprisingly well...I mean I haven't had any nightmares or anything." Reiko's voice cracked.

She knew she could've done something about what happened. She could've stopped it if she wasn't so occupied with herself.

"Reiko... You know it's not your fault." Mina embraced her friend, letting her lean on her shoulder. "I could've done something! If- if I'd just asked once. I could've stopped whatever that happened."

Silent tears turned into cries of anguish. "It's not your fault Reiko, we could've all done something." Mina tried soothing her, and it worked slowly. "I'm horrible." She sniffed. Her crying has calmed down to just a few sniffs and hiccups.

"No, you're not. You're one of the best people I've ever known." Mina argued. "You're brave, smart, nice, and you always put your loved ones first,... I can't imagine my life without you. Please don't say stuff like that about yourself." She pat her back gently before letting go of her.

"You wanna go have dinner?"  "No, I'm not hungry but thanks anyway. It's getting late so we should go to sleep." Reiko suggested, rubbing the tears off her face. "Will you be okay?" Mina asked worriedly. "Yeah, don't worry about me." She smiled.

Pixie! 《Bakugou X Oc》Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora