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Reiko awoke with mixed emotions.

On one hand, she was delighted. She reminisced about the previous night and how Katsuki Bakugou, the grumpiest guy on earth, said she could call him Katsuki. A blush still crept up her face when his voice echoed through her mind.

On the other hand, she had to give the USB to Principal Nezu today. Therefore ultimately messing up her whole plan against Hayashi.

With a quick sigh, she opened up one of her drawers and pocketed the pink object before she could forget and left her room to have breakfast.

"Good morning, Katsuki." She couldn't help the smile creeping up her lips when she saw him. The blonde was making toast for breakfast and nearly burned himself when he heard her.

"Oh, did I scare you? Sorry." She chuckled while he just grunted. "Yeah, morning to you too."

"Don't get too carried away with that usb. Wouldn't want my only competition to get thrown out of school." He broke the silence after a while. "I'm keeping it cool today, don't worry. Can't wait to see his face." She smirked to herself, imagining the shock and anger that would overcome Hayashi's features.

Reiko strutted into the principal's office with the same confidence.

"Ah, Ms Manemi. Come on in." The animal had a pleasant smile as he sipped his morning beverage. "To be honest, I had my doubts about you showing up today. Seeing how ticked off you were yesterday."

"I would never break a promise, sir." She pulled the pink USB out of her pocket and hesitated a bit. This was it, Hayashis end. He'll possibly go to jail after this. This was Remi's salvation.

"Are you sure these are real?" Nezu asked before inserting it into his computer. "Of course they are. I wouldn't fake something like that, even as a joke."

The principal got curious as to what oddities would be shown, but he sure wasn't expecting the pure horror before him.

Reikos hands balled up in her lap, wrinkling her skirt in an attempt to calm herself. It still hurt, even after years.

"If you could excuse me..." Nezu excused himself for a few moments, finding it hard to keep his breakfast down.

After that, he'd called Hayashi, Aizawa, and Sekijiro (Vlad King) to his office.

"Hayashi Akihiro, from now on, I forbid you from attending U.A." The principal kept it short and simple. "What- Why?"

"In fact, I might just call the authorities. This is just...insane." He sighed. Hayashi wanted to protest but spotted the pink item still plugged in. "Where'd you get that? Was it you?" He looked over to Reiko who in turn nodded.

"You-" "Hold on, what is going on here? Why's my student getting thrown out?" Sekijiro protested. "We've found evidence of Mr Hayashi... I don't think there's a word to even describe this. This is just, unacceptable." Nezu was still at a loss of words. Rightfully so, Reiko couldn't even muster up a single sound for weeks after watching those videos.

"What evidence? It could easily be fake." The tall man argued. "You can take a look, sir. If you want." Reiko pointed to the computer. He immediately made his way to face the screen and the principal played a few scenes.

"Jesus fucking- what the hell." Even Aizawa, who only listened, had a shocked look on his face. "You're going to fucking jail, kid." Sekijiro looked pointedly at the white-haired boy.

He tried making a run for it and made it to the halls before being slammed to the ground. "You got away once, I won't let it happen again." Reiko spoke from behind, using her quirk to restrain him.

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