《Team ReiBaku》

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Reiko was scared.

She didn't want any night terrors to haunt her or to wake up anyone.

The bags under her eyes just got deeper every day. To the point where Principal Nezu suggested giving her sleeping pills or something.

"Reiko, how much did you sleep this week?" Mina asked, her brows furrowed and lips pouting. "...Nothing," Reiko mumbled.

She knew this wasn't good for her, but she wouldn't be able to see those scenes again. They were sitting with a few others at lunch.

Mina's stare transitioned from angry to sad. "I know, I know. I'll deal with it." Reiko waved her off. "No, you won't. You'll just exhaust yourself further until you faint."

This has happened before, back in seventh grade, and Mina was trying to prevent it.

Reiko didn't try to protest because she knew that would happen eventually. "Did something happen?" Denki questioned. He didn't need to know about any of it, so Reiko waved him off, too.

Bakugou witnessed it all. He hadn't talked to Reiko since the library incident. He wanted to, but he didn't find the right time to do so since she was always in her room.

He messaged her later that day, asking if she was up for a fight. She said yes, and ten minutes later, they were already outside.

He planned to make her tired enough so she'd have no other choice but to fall asleep.

What he didn't know was how much stamina she had.

"What, getting tired?" Reiko chuckled, seeing Bakugou hunch over. "You wish. I'm just getting started." He smirked, sending another blast her way.

She dodged easily and sent another attack his way. He wasn't fast enough, and it hit him square in the face, and he fell back.

"Oh shit, are you okay?" Reiko rushed over, worried she might have done actual damage. "Yeah, whatever, I'll be fine." He grunted, but by the time he sat up, she was already there.

She examined his face closely. "I think I broke your nose. Let me fix it." Bakugou slapped her hand away. "It's fine, I'll go to the nurse."

"It's not fine, I broke your nose." Reiko insisted. Bakugou didn't argue back this time. She'd use her quirk, which would make her pass out sooner.

"Stay still, kay'?" She smiled and put her hands in front of his nose. Her eyes emitted a gentle purple glow when she used her quirk.

Now that he got a closer look, her eyes were gorgeous.

He must've said it out loud because Reiko smiled and pulled away. Her heart skipped a few beats at the compliment.

"You think so?" She blushed. "Y-yeah." He cleared his throat.

He stuttered. He fucking stuttered.

Both of them were blushing now, and silence fell upon them. "Oh shit, I still have some homework." She stood up in a hurry. "We can spar any time if you're up to it." Reiko smiled before leaving.

She was still smiling when she reached the commons, and Mina took notice of it. A sly smirk appeared on her lips as she followed her friend to her room.

"Heeey~, what happened?" She knocked on the door, which Reiko opened quickly. She gestured for Mina to get inside and closed the door swiftly.

"So we were sparring, and I broke his nose by accident." She giggled. "And I went to fix it, and we were sitting close because of the spell, and he said my eyes were gorgeous." She covered her face with her hands, smiling like an idiot.

"Eeek! Oh my God!" Mina jumped around. "What happened after?"

"I said,' You think so?' And he said yeah, but he stuttered, and he was blushing." Even though her face was covered, her ears were red. They squealed and giggled for a few minutes.

"And how do you feel?" Mina asked. "W-well, I don't know. Pretty great, I guess." Reiko somehow couldn't stop smiling when she thought about the previous moments.

"That's good! So you like getting compliments, that's new." Mina pat her shoulder gently. "And Bakugou can be nice sometimes, also new." She thought.


Bakugou was having a crisis.

Why did he say that? Did he scare her away? Did she not like her eyes?

Thousands of thoughts ran through his head in seconds as he sat behind a tree. His nose was healed, but some blood still dripped onto his shirt.

Maybe he should talk to shitty-hair about it.

No, he would just laugh. And what does he know about girls anyway?

Maybe he knows a few things...

Ah, fuck it.

Bakugou knocked on Kirishima's door and waited for an answer, which he gave almost instantly.

"What's up, Bakubro?" He opened his door. He just entered without a word.

"I said her eyes a pretty." Bakugou sat on his bed. Kirishima nearly choked on air. "You said WHAT?" He laughed.

"Hey, don't fucking laugh!" Bakugou yelled back. "She was fixing my nose 'cuz she broke it and I said her eyes are pretty." He grumbled as he rubbed his temples.

"How'd she react?"

"I don't know, she left 'cuz she had homework." He sighed. "What do you mean you don't know?" Kirishima asked.

"I mean I didn't see how she reacted! I was looking at the ground." Bakugou was constantly switching between yelling or mumbling under his breath.

At first, Kirishima found it funny how stupid Bakugou was in the love category but now it was getting annoying.

"So you complimented her then stared at the ground..." He facepalmed. He decided he'll ask Mina about it privately since she and Reiko are good friends.

"Next time you compliment her, look her in the eyes." He sighed. "I'm not gonna." The blonde laid back in bed. "She probably won't ever talk to me again anyway." He shrugged.

"That's not true. I don't think Reiko is like that." Kirishima said. "Look, don't worry about it, dude. Don't talk about it, especially not to Reiko. Then she'll think you lied and every chance you have now will disappear."

Bakugou nodded along to Kirishima's tips. "Also, I'm not doing this for free. Help me with homework." He added.

Immediately after Bakugou left, Kirishima texted Mina.

How's Reiko?

She's seen better days, but it's not horrible, why?

Did she say anything about Bakugou?

Yeah, why? Did he say something?

He's having a crisis about complimenting her lmao

Why tho? He has a bunch of romance stuff doesn't he learn?


Books + manga
Reiko found out about it so don't tell anyone

He's such an idiot
What did Reiko say?

She was flustered
She has a crush on him

So they like each other
Should we help them get together?

Hell yeah
Team ReiBaku to the rescue

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