《Start of a new era》

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[[Trigger warning; this chapter contains (somewhat) graphic images, hallucinations, and all that. If you're uncomfortable, please click off 🫶]]



It was him. He was outside her room.

"Come on, I'm right here!"

What did he want?

"I want to play tag! You're it so you have to catch me!"

Was this a prank? Who would do such a thing?

Reiko stumbled up and opened her door only to be met by him.

"Come on, Rere! Catch me!" He began running down the hall, and she followed.

"Wait- Wait up!" She yelled but to no avail.

He ran down the stairs and out the front door. She followed mindlessly.

She didn't realize she was in her pajamas or that she was barefoot, and it was midnight. She didn't see anything other than him.

She followed him for what seemed like hours. They ran through countless streets and back alleys before he disappeared behind a door.

Before Reiko realized what she was doing, she was already inside.

The happiness in his voice faded, and it turned desperate.

"Catch me! Rere!" He cried. She couldn't see anything. She was looking around frantically. "I'm coming, I'm coming! Don't worry." That's when she spotted something glowing. Her face turned more horrified the closer she got.

It was him. He was still there.

Her mouth fell agape, and her legs shook as she took in the sight.

He had tubes and needles stuck to his body. He looked sick, at the edge of death even.

She was fully awake now and could see around herself. She's broken into one of the League's Nomu-making facilities and had found her brother.

Before her legs could give out, she was pulled back by a pair of arms. She didn't bother looking as she was in shock.

It was Aizawa and Hizashi. They'd gotten a call from a student and pursued her immediately.

They barely had enough time to hide before Shigaraki and an anonymous man arrived.

Everything was a blur for Reiko. She couldn't see or hear properly. Her eyes were focused on her brother as he got injected with a mysterious fluid and trashed around in his retainment.

She couldn't pull her eyes away, even when the two teachers tried their best to do so.

She couldn't do anything but watch as he suffered. As his skin began turning a shade of blue and his eyes popped out of their sockets. Even though his screams were loud, the sound of his bones cracking and breaking was still heard.

The gut-wrenching screams stopped at once with a final crunch.

Even Aizawa and Hizashi were shocked at the sight before them.

The two villains moved on, and they could finally escape.

"Manemi, it's the middle of the night. What were you doing here?" Aizawa asked. She didn't reply, just stared at the ground before throwing up everything she'd eaten that day.

"Yeah, how'd you find this place anyway?" Hizashi asked, a little gentler. "Vision." She mumbled.

"A vision?"

"Th-the guy was. He was -" Reiko couldn't finish her sentence without throwing up again. "Rem-Remi." She cried. Both of their eyes widened.

Aizawa had known the Manemi family for a few years, so he knew what she was talking about. Hizashi knew because Aizawa usually spilled everything to him.

Pixie! 《Bakugou X Oc》Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat