7. ꧁Late Night Fun꧂

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'What's wrong with him? It's like he's afraid of something.. or someone.

Does he have a secret girlfriend?'


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NIGHT TIME 🌙: 20:27

It was a very late practice for the group 5wirl and they had just finished going over new choreography. During the practice, something was off with one of the members. It was none other than the antisocial and closed off member, Xiao himself.

Though he is normally very quiet and refuses to interact often, he was extremely short tempered and got irritated even more easily this practice.

"Xiao! You should be slower and move more fluidly with that move. You're way too quick and overdoi-"
"Whatever. Leave me alone, you're not the choreographer so shut up"
Xiao snapped back irritated by his friend Venti who was taken aback by him temper.

Venti sulked and walked off while Aether took notice almost instantly.
"Is something wrong Xiao? Please don't talk to your other members like that"
Aether asked trying to reason with Xiao. He approached Xiao and placed his hand comfortingly on his shoulder.

His pissed off friend glared at him and pushed his hand away roughly before stomping away and approaching the door. Right before he left, another figure beat him to opening the door and stood by the frame. It was Kazuha who stood their confused as to why Xiao was right in front of him with a angry look.

"Uhh.. is this your new way of greeting me?"
Kazuha said with a awkward laugh afterwards. All Xiao responded was a quiet,
Before shoving Kazuha to the side and leaving the room.

"What the fuck is his problem?"
Kazuha spat out annoyed.
"He's so petty that he keeps messing up when dancing and that he's not right"
Venti stated making Kazuha scoff and receive a eyeroll.

He then looked around the room, curious to a missing persons presence that he was actually hoping for before arriving into the room.
"Where's Y/n? Are they okay?"
Kazuha asked while turning his head in all directions trying to see if they were there.
"Nah, they went to go get a drink nearby since they're on their break."
Aether replied while keeping his eyes glued to his phone.

Upon hearing that, Kazuha frowned a little.
'They should've waited for me so that I could also go with them...'


Cheerfully walking back into the building, Y/n happily sipped their coffee.
'Hopefully, I don't feel sleepy after this. I almost passed out while training'

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