9. ꧁the internet is on crack wtf꧂

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"Y/n who's the most attractive
person in the world?"
"I'm looking right at them"
Y/n replied to Kazuha.
"I'm looking at my reflection through
Your bright ass white hair"

"Aww-""I'm looking at my reflection throughYour bright ass white hair"

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Y/n stood speechless in Mr Han's office.
They repeated Mr Han's words. Mr Han looked at Y/n then nodded.
"Yes. I only found out whenever Xiao got attacked the other day"

Taking in this new information was shocking. He had a stalker? Not only that but he was ATTACKED?
"Wait what? What happened?"
"The other day he walked home alone and got approached by some girl in a hoodie who stabbed him and tried kidnapping him"

Now that Y/n thought about it, that could've been the explanation for Xiao's dancing "getting worse" he also had started wearing hoodies that covered the top of his body fully.

"I-I think i'm gonna go.."
Y/n said, still feeling speechless. They put their hand on the door handle and leant on it to unlock it. Before they left,
"Also, I think you should be careful. I don't believe the stalker will be very friendly when they first approach you."
Mr Han advised.

Though I believe that was supposed to give Y/n more info on the situation and help them, it made Y/n even more nervous.
"Ah is that so? Thank you Mr Han"
They left the room and immediately ran back into the practice room. Y/n suddenly felt as if they were being watched and felt extreme anxiety.

They burst into the room, startling everyone inside.
"Are you okay Y/n?! You seem very shaken up.."
Aether asked, worried about their member.
"I'm sorry for startling everyone.. I'm just a little on edge today."
They replied trying to sound as sincere as possible.

"Well that's fine, come join us for practice Y/n. Today's practice is almost done anyways"
Venti spoke cheerfully.
His happy mood always somehow made Y/n feel comforted and relaxed.
They responded with hopes to forget the terrified and horrible feeling creeping up on them.


"Okay that's it for today! Great job everyone!"
The choreographer, Jang Yoobin, said applauding everyone.
"I'll be excited for your comeback, it sounds amazing! I had fun making this dance"
Yoobin said while clapping excitingly like a happy fangirl.

Kazuha happily high-fived Yoobin,
"It was fun, thanks for helping us kid. I'm sure you'll have even more fun tomorrow aswell!"
Kazuha got along with Yoobin very well, mainly because she was like a little sister to him. Considering how Yoobin is a choreographer, it was shocking to 5wirl when they learned that the person making their next dance was a 15 year old!

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