10. ꧁Reputation cleanse꧂

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"No matter what anyone says, i'll always believe you and i'll never leave your side"

"No matter what anyone says, i'll always believe you and i'll never leave your side"

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It had been days since Y/n left their room. The company was being careful and decided to keep dance practices with Y/n private and cut any content with them in it from the current days that passed. Ever since that sudden cut, everyone got even more suspicious.

They couldn't handle the mean comments online and social media posts trying to frame Y/n. Of course anti's of the group took this opportunity to make any moment out of context or make it seem like Y/n purposefully tried to hurt someone.

Y/n's bedroom door creaked open,
"Y/n...? Are you okay?"
A voice they weren't expecting had been. Jang Yoobin?
"Ah Yoobin, what are you doing here?"
Y/n quickly adjusted themself and sat up.

Walking over, Yoobin sat beside Y/n on their bed.
"I was really worried about you and the boys told me to check on you because they were worried aswell"
She said with a sad expression on her face.
"Kazuha even asked me 'what's wrong? You don't seem like yourself today'"
Yoobin added on while giggling a little at the end.

"Oh well thank you for coming over Yoobin. It means a lot"
Y/n thanked her but then Yoobin's expression started to visibly change.
"You look really unwell. Please take care of yourself and don't read those mean online posts. They aren't true"

Feeling even worse, Y/n started to get memories once again. Yoobin seemed to look up to Y/n the same way Y/n looked up to Ganyu. They patted her head.
"... Thanks for being one of the only people who still believe me"

Tears started to fill the eyes of Y/n and they couldn't hold back the struggle of crying anymore. Yoobin frowned and gave a tight hug to Y/n who was covering their face in embarrassment for starting to cry.
"I'm sure you'll be okay soon Y/n! We'll get to the bottom of this situation then you'll get to perform again and we can practice together!"
Yoobin cheerfully chirped with a voice full on sincerity.

Y/n looked at Yoobin's brightened expression then wiped away their tears.
"I'm sorry for being so weak in front of you Yoobin. I shouldn't be putting on such a bad example haha.."
Y/n spoke while chuckling at the end of their sentence as if they were a fool for expressing their emotions.

"Hey, Y/n! You know my dream? It's to be a professional choreographer and be the one to choreograph every single dance you do!"
Yoobin said with determination in her voice.
"That's why I stopped being a idol trainee! Just so I can be with you and Kazuha all the time"

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