The Waves of Fear

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Bonnie's POV
I was so excited for today!! Freddy said that he will take me to the beach with a very special guest. I have never been to the beach before, I heard the waves are big and the sand is warm. Freddy also said that he would buy me some cozzies, he said he will get very comfortable ones.

Freddy appears at the entrance of the alley, I smiled as he walked closer with an older woman behind him.
"Bonnie, this is my maid Security Puppet or SP for sort"
"It's very nice to meet you Bonnie. I've heard lots of stories about you"
She pulls her hand out for a hand shake.
"It's nice to meet you too SP"
I shake her hand.
"I got you your cozzies!!" Freddy says in excitement.

I jump up and down in joy, my smile was so big that it may be stuck like that. I jump onto Freddy and hug him tight.
"Ok boys, let's get going or we won't have enough time for wave jumping"
I stop hugging Freddy and head to the Fazbear family's spare car.

The car ride wasn't that long and it felt weird since I haven't been in a car for a long time. While Freddy is sitting at the front and SP driving, I got changed into my cozzies. We arrive at the beach and place our belongings on a nice spot near the water. Freddy and I put sunscreen on and head straight for the water.

I spent the first five minutes jumping waves until I got in the water to ride some waves.
"I told you Bonnie, the waves get big here!!" Freddy shouts from further in the water.
I go up to Freddy and start swimming with him. All was well until a giant wave came, I wanted to ride this wave but I didn't realise how big and how powerful this wave was. The wave crashed onto me, pushing me underwater and holding me there for a long time.

I start panicking and scream, losing all of my air bubbles. I then capture flashes of my past. I see a fatigue image of my parents. I see a bathtub full of water. I see fire. I hear screams. I feel sick. I see explosions.

During my panic, I inhale a hole bunch of water and start chocking. Then all of the sudden I felt a pair of hands grab me from under the armpits and pull me out of the water. I start coughing hysterically, I couldn't breathe. I could feel myself being dragged to the shoreline, my vision was blurry but I could understand what was going on.
I start hearing a voice, a voice from behind. I look behind to see a brown figure which I knew was Freddy. Suddenly everything hits and I could feel my throat close up and my body shake. I started to have a panic attack.

Freddy's POV
Bonnie just snapped. He starts shaking, crying and starts going pale.
"Bonnie!!" I call.
No response.
He looks at me this time, his face was worrying. He then hugs me and continues crying on me. I place my hands on his back and start rubbing.
"Shhhh.... Shhhhhh... it's ok.. it's ok.. I'm here"
SP comes running over and help me.
"What happened Freddy?"
"He got stuck underwater and now he's scared"
Bonnie starts calming down a little, but I still continue to rub his back and hold him.

I hear a small voice, it was Bonnie.
"I saw... I saw it..."
"Saw? Saw what?"
Bonnie suddenly stops moving.
I look down and realised that he had passed out.
"Come on Freddy" SP starts "let's get him out of here"
I pick him up bridal style and take him to the car.

I hope he's ok...

To be continued

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