Unfortunate Timing

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This part of this story was inspired by The_offical_fritz Thank you for the idea!
Freddy's POV
It's been a few days and I can't take it anymore. My parents have fully disowned me and now call me names. Everyone at school found out and I'm the pig of the school, a dirty dog who shouldn't exist. Toy Chica has been really supportive and has never left my side. SP has been the same but it's harder for her since she works for my parents.

My parents abuse has gotten worse as well. Dad continues to hit me with his belt while mom uses other things in the house to hit me with, weather its her own hands or something as bad as a knife. I can't live like this... I can't stay here anymore... I have to leave, escape, run away... to the one I love most, far way from my parents and the children at school.

I will run away...

I grabbed a sheet of paper and started to write down a note, it was an apology letter to SP and Toy Chica but a hateful letter to my parents. I place the note down on my bed and start packing a small bag filling it with some essentials. I then quietly climb down the window and run, run as far away as I could. It was late at night, so it was dark.

I knew where I was going, I was going to Bonnie. We would both run away together and start our own lives, a chance to be ourselves and get away from this cruel town. I could feel his presence become closer...

I'm coming Bonnie...

I finished cleaning the kitchen and started to head up to my room. I decided it would be a good idea to check on Freddy since his parents were asleep. I slowly and quietly open the door but something was wrong... HE WAS MISSING!!!

I started to look around his room in panic, I noticed that some of his stuff was missing and a small note on his bed. I picked it up and read it...

"Dear to whoever reads,

I'm sorry to inform you but I am running away. I can't live in a place that treats badly for who I am. Mom and dad, if you are reading this then you should be happy that I am no longer around anymore. You all wanted me to be a mini you and abuse me when it doesn't go your way. Toy Chica, you were an amazing friend, someone who would always be there for me even in the darkest times. I was so lucky to have you as a friend. And lastly SP, you were like the mother that I never had. Out of everyone I have met, you have been the one who was always on my side. Thank you. Please don't come looking for me, I will probably be happy and healthy. I hope life is better without me.

Freddy Fazbear
A.K.A. The dirty dog"

I started crying. Freddy ran away. Everything got too much for him to handle. What am I going to do!?

Freddy's POV
I was walking for nearly two hours and I finally reach the mall. I started racing towards the alley way.
"BONNIE!!! I'M COMING!!!" I scream while running.
I get closer and closer until I noticed that something was wrong... there were red and blue flashing lights. I move closer towards the lights to see ambulances and police officers surrounding Bonnie's alley way. I heart sank... I felt scared... Bonnie was in danger...

I rush closer until I suddenly realise what was going on...

Bonnie was being loaded into the ambulance....

To be continued

The One In Need (Freddy x Bonnie)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora