True Love

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Freddy's POV
Toy Chica's parents did let her come with me and my parents. She came home with me after school and as usual, my parents say weird stuff like "oh it's your girlfriend" or "it's so nice to see your lovely lady again!" It's starting to get annoying but I can't say anything.

We arrived at the mall and as usual, my parents tell me that I can go off with Chica. She was so excited to meet Bonnie.
"Calm down Chica, we're almost there"
Shortly after, we arrived at the alley where he was staying.
"He's in there but be careful, he gets scared easily"
Chica nods and we both enter. Bonnie looks up and smiles, he is so cute when he smiles. He gets up and runs over to me then tackles me into a hug, digging his face into my neck.

I place my arms around him and hug him back.
"Hey Bonnie"
We let go then I noticed that Chica was eyebrowing us in a weird way.
"That was... ADORABLE!!"
I blush but I tried not to show it.
"Uhh Freddy?" Bonnie asked "Who's that?" He points at Chica.
"Oh that is my friend/ex, Toy Chica"
Chica pushes me slightly and grabs Bonnie's hand for a handshake.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Bonnie!"
Bonnie seemed stunned but rolled with it.
"Nice to meet you too Chica"
I looked at Bonnie, everything about him I just wanted to kiss and snuggle. I loved him so much, but I don't know if he likes me the same... I guess there's only one way to find out.
"Hey Bonnie, t..there's something I need to t..tell you..."
He seemed confused.
"Yeah? What's up?"
Chica backed up a bit, she knew what was happening.

"I... I wanted tell you... that um... ummm.. I..."
Bonnie smiles.
"You like me, don't you?"
I was shocked, my face went hot and dark red.
"Umm... I... uhh... ok yes, but I don't just like you... I love you, so much"
Bonnie giggles.
"I like you too you silly bear"
Bonnie leans in closer and kisses my cheek.
"I have since the day we met"
Ok, now I can't move or talk.

Toy Chica's POV
YAS!!!! THE SHIP HAS SAILED!!!! Freddy seemed very stunned, I think he was shocked because Bonnie kissed him. Bonnie looks at me and we both giggle. Freddy then SUDDENLY OUT OF NOWHERE, grabs Bonnie by the WAIST (AND BUTT!!) and gives him a long lip kiss!

Bonnie kisses back, this was so beautiful to watch. The two boys were kissing for a while until they let go for air. I start jumping up and down while clapping my hands in excitement.
Suddenly, my phone goes off. Someone is calling me. I stop jumping and check my phone... it was Freddy's mother... oh no...

I answered the phone while placing my finger on my lips, signalling to the boys to keep quiet.
"Chica? Is Freddy with you!?"
"Uhh... yes he is, why is something wrong?"
"I would like you and Freddy to come back here, now!"
I hung up and looked at Freddy worried.
"Who was it?" Freddy asked.
"Your not going to like this but... it was your mother...

And she sounded pissed...

To be continued

The One In Need (Freddy x Bonnie)Where stories live. Discover now