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Freddy's POV
SP and I took Bonnie back to his small house in the alley. He was still asleep. I place him down on the cardboard floor and put his jacket over him like a blanket, I sit down next to him and place my hand on his back. SP kept an eye on time for when my parents would get back.

Bonnie slowly wakes up, he's red eyes looked at me confused.
I place my hand on his face and stroke his hair out of his face.
"Are you ok now bud?"
"Do you want to talk about it?"
Bonnie sits up and runs his eyes, he then looks at me and SP.
"M..maybe it's t..time you guys k..know"

Little Bonnie's POV
"Sweetheart, it's time for your bath!" Mummy yelled from the bathroom.
I put my teddy, Mr.Snuggles, down on my bed and rush towards my mummy and daddy. We didn't have an upstairs so I didn't take that long to get to them. The doorbell rings, ding dong it went.
"I'll be right back" daddy said as he left the bathroom.

I watched mummy as she turned off the tap and felt the water in the bathtub.
"Still a little hot but will be ready soon"
I nod in excitement. Then I heard a big BANG!! It came from the front door. Mummy peaks out of the bathroom, I was close behind. I saw daddy fall to the ground while red stuff was on him. I saw these people in black clothes coming into the house with weird pointy things and round egg thingys.

"Hunny, he have to get out of here!"
She picks me up and holds me close to her. We start heading out of the bathroom and saw daddy up again and fighting the people. Lots of banging was heard and lights flashed. Some of the people were looking around the place looking for something. Mummy put me down and looked around scared.
"Hunny, listen to me very carefully. Go to your room, grab Mr.Snuggles and jump out the window"

I was confused.
"Please hunny. And, mummy loves you so much"
She gives me a small kiss on the forehead and a quick hug. She then starts running towards the people while I ran to my room. I slam to door behind me and grab Mr.Snuggles. The banging got louder and louder, I could hear yelling and screaming and splattering noises. I open my door slightly to see my mummy getting hit with a bat really hard while daddy was getting shot.

"MUMMY!!! DADDY!!!" I screamed in fear.
Tears fell down my eyes and I continued screaming. The people then started throwing the egg thingys on the ground, they made beeping noises. One person then looked at me and ran towards me really fast while holding a knife. I shut my door again and head for the window. The person smashes through my door and throws the knife at me, it hit me on the arm.

I fall down and start crying, it hurt! I pulled out the knife and threw it on the floor, the person slowly walked up to me while I got up and tried to open the window. The person then picked up the knife and was about to stab me, that's when I smashed through the window and fell to the hard grass outside. Glass was all over my skin and red stuff came out of me. I got up and started running to the road. That's when...


I fell to the ground with the impact of the explosion. My body went numb but when I saw the house, it was destroyed, mummy and daddy were gone, everything...

Was... gone...

My vision then got blurry while muffled sounds of sirens and voices got closer. Then everything went black.

To be continued

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