Pictures to each other

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[night of January 4th]

{Robbie's P.O.V}

"So who was she?" My manager asked me.
"Some random woman that helped a stranger."
"Ok but not every woman has you giving them goo goo eyes. How is she special?"
"Even though she knew I was famous, she didn't treat me like I was. She treated me like I was a normal human being. None of the fans that I meet treat me like that."
*Chime* my phone goes off. I look down at who messaged me.

Hannah Kay🧡: Hello dear.

Me: Hi there.

Hannah Kay🧡: I know you just left but I got Alena down for a nap and got bored. Entertainment is required!!!

I laughed. She gives off the same vibes I do.

Me: So it's my job to entertain you? How do I do that mi'lady?

Hannah Kay🧡: I'm sure you can think of something 😜

Me: Why don't we play 20 questions. I'll ask first and we will start off easy.

Hannah Kay🧡: Well ask away prince charming.

Me: Excuse me? I am not prince charming.

Hannah Kay🧡: My apologies, Pan.

I like her.

Me: You've got fire. I like fire 🔥

Hannah Kay🧡: You did not just do that.

Me: 😈😈😈
Anyways, question #1: what is your favorite color? I know it's lame.

Hannah Kay🧡: Hahahaha, you are fine. My top four favorite colors are, in this order, Orange, Yellow, Pink, and Green. You?

Me: I like Red, Green, and Purple.

Hannah Kay🧡: All good colors. Your thoughts on a woman that can cook? Asking for a friend 😜

Me: Two words} extremely attractive. And your views on a man that can cook?

Hannah Kay🧡: Smash!!!

Me: 😳🫣

Hannah Kay🧡: Did I make you blush Robbie?

Me: So you would smash me?

Hannah Kay🧡: Is this one of our 20 questions?

Me: Do you want it to be?

Hannah Kay🧡: Maybe later in the game.

"Robbie!!! We are your house!!! Dude, I called your name like 5 times. Who are you texting? That girl?"
"She's not a girl, she's older than me and yes I'm texting her."
"Why?" I looked at him
"Why not? I'm single. I can talk to whomever I want. Also, can I get the number for a few vocal managers?"
"She's got an amazing voice."
*Chime* I look at my lock screen

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