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       You entertained the male guests and the other hosts would causally look over to see how you were doing and trying to decide on your title.  When all the guests had left most of the boys were tearing up.  Most of the guys ran out crying.  

Kaoru: I think 'The Heartbreaker' would fit y/n.

Haruhi: What did you do to them?

Y/n: I didn't do anything.  They were confessing their love to me and asked me out, but I told them that I liked someone else.  Some said they'd win my heart and will come back.


Kyoya: Yes, daddy?

Y/n: FYI I do like someone, but it's prob gonna last a couple of days, so I just ignore it.

Hikaru: Who's the special boy?

Y/n: You *sarcasm*

Haruhi started laughing, and so did you.  It took everyone a while to get it, but they figured it out eventually.

        The next two days you continued hosting and tried to figure out a title.  Tamaki got out a whiteboard and started writing ideas and they also asked the guests to write their ideas.  The male guest had written inappropriate things, which had a consequence.  That consequence of the twins being banned from entering the club as a guest for a month.  You had three names up on the board 'Heartbreaker', 'Alpha', and 'Selfless'.  

You liked the last two.  Everyone did a vote and decided on 'Alpha'. Although Tamaki was the 'King' he also liked the idea of calling you the alpha since you were strong, pretty, respected, etc.  (Changing time like so haven't met Renge).  The next day Tamaki announced to the guest your title and there was a small party with all the guests.


Kaoru's POV:

       It's been a couple of days since y/n joined the Host Club.  Our numbers have gone up since she joined that's what Kyoya said.  It's nice having her there.  Everyone in the club loves her. She told me that she was cousins with Mori and Honey Sempai and friends with Kyoya since her older brother is friends with him.  Haruhi likes it as well since she has someone to talk to besides us. Hikaru loves y/n like a sister.  All the guests love her too.  Her guest always brought her big bouquets of flowers.  

I'm happy she's having fun and all, but I don't like the idea of her flirting with other guys.  I don't know what it is. It's just when I see her laughing when she's with other guys and I don't know why but I feel jealous.  Extremely jealous and I try to ignore it but I can't.


Y/n POV:

      It's been about a week or two since you joined the Host Club.  You've got a lot of male customers.  A lot of customers brought you large flower arrangements and confessed their love to you. You thought it was cute and all, but pretty stupid. They're just basing off your looks and not what's on the inside.  You turned guys down left and right, but they always came back.  Some guys even ran out of the room crying or on their knees begging you to take them.  

It had finally ended all the guests had left and you got a break from everyone.  You sat on the couch Hikaru on your left side and Kaoru on your right. They laid their heads on either side of your shoulder. You didn't mind and laid your head on Kaoru's head.

Kaoru: Finally! 

Hikaru: A break!

Y/n: AMEN!

The three of you started laughing.  "So what are you doing on the weekend y/n?" Haruhi asked who sat down across from the three of you.

"I don't know prob do some house chores, go on a walk, talk to a friend," you respond and smiled at Kaoru.  He looked up and smiled back.  You kissed the top of his head and continued talking to Haruhi.

Y/n: Haruhi what are you doing later and tomorrow?

Haruhi: Nothing, just going to study and maybe clean the house a little.

Y/n: Wanna come sleepover at my place?  We can do a girl's night if you're down.

Haruhi: I'll have to ask my dad first and you sure your parents are fine with it?

Y/n: My parents aren't home usually. It's just me and my siblings and some of the maids.  My parents are fine with it. Me and Kaisen were left to be in charge of the house so yeah!

There was a knock on the door. Kyoya went to open it.  It was Kaizen at the door.  

Kai: "Hey, Kyo! Hey Mori, Honey! N/n you ready to go?"

Y/n: Hey Kai, you fine if I have a sleepover?

Kai: Go ahead you need friends!

Y/n: I have friends Kaizen your in a room filled with them.  What about the twins?

Hikaru and Kaoru looked up at you.

Kai: Ryo is at her friend's house and Jiro's hanging with Ryoka's friend's brother.  

Y/n: So can I have friends over?

Kai: Yeah I'm going to sleep at a friend's as well so you're gonna be alone.  Don't burn the house. Don't drink. Don't get pregnant!

Y/n: I know the rulers. I'm the 'mom' of the house anyways. You have fun and I'll take care of the house as always.

Kai: Okay I'm off. Bye love ya Y/n night!

Y/n: Night, love ya too Kaizen byeee!

Kaizen left the room.

Y/n:  So you guys wanna come over to my place and sleepover?

"YEAH!" everyone cheered except Haruhi, Mori, and Kyoya.

Haruhi: I'll call you and let you know if I can come or not, bye guys.

Everyone said bye to Haruhi.  You gave everyone your address except Honey, Mori, and Kyoya since they already know and then you headed home to set everything up.

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